I’m pretty new to Blender and have just started to leard the program, but I just can’t figure out how to make a small cut into another object from the contours of another object.
I’ve tried the boolean modifier without success.
Can somebody please help me with this
Sorry, but what you did was exactly what I was aiming for!
It would be super nice if you could explain a little bit more detailed how you did it, so I wont have to ask again next time
Selected objects and applied scale, ctrl+A -> scale. Then enabled wire displays for the cross. Then edit mode, select all, W -> remove doubles for both.
Added remesh modifier and adjusted values to get the detail preserved, and keeping eye on the face count at the same time
Had to upload outside the forum because it stopped accepting images, anyway
Selected both objects, edit mode for the cross, knife project from top ortho view. Then extruded (E) down.
Then selected none, ctrl+alt+shift+M to select non-manifold and fixed what it selected until there were no vertices selected. Then removed edge loops on the sides and used edge slide to fix overlapping geometry around the perimeter.