I recently tested with a kinda hybrid atmosphere technique, and it turned our really well… It’s kinda a mix between composite editing and transparency… turns out pretty nice…

I’d post the tut here, but I already submitted it to the tut forum…
it might have already been found out, if so sorry, but I was excited :-/

more pictures… now with BGs… this technique seems to work better with BGs than other things do… it’s more noticeable up close

sry for small size…
im unsure of the intent of this but it seems to me that the earth would never ever reflect like that, that is not how it would look… just a thought
the specularity was at default… the point of the thread was for the atmosphere, so I didn’t mess with the planet surface at all, just stuck an earth texture on it…
Yes. The atmosphere effect is nice. Subtle as it should be.
Good ideas here … thanks.
I made a tutorial about it, but it hasn’t been looked at by a mod for the tutorial section yet :-/