new background (kde)


i wanted my own background for kde. so… (1o24x768)

questions/opinions… everything appreciated :slight_smile:

nice needs a little smothing more. Seems a little empty to me. Dont know what though.

KDE gears have 10 teeth. Nice effects. =)

It would be neat to make a background like that, then make icons to tie into the design. Like the little gimp and blender things on there.

Looks really good btw !! :smiley:

Huh? At least there’s 8 on all the icons on my kde-desktop…

Their we go thats what you need is icons that work and all. Then it would be really cool.

very cool… a little simple, but hell, simple always impresses me more if people can make it look good, and youve made it look good =)
whats kde btw? :-?

KDE = K-Desktop Environment (for Linux and X-Window system)