New basic toon character rigged

That is one groovy rig!
I really like the 20s style rubber hose look.
@bov: eyebrows are working for me…

Nice one Dav!

hey guys! thanks for the coments. bov you’re right the eyebrow are really restricted at the moment the only movements it have are two shapekeys controled by rotating the manipulators … Im planning to add a mdef to make the character even more elastic (shoulders should be revised too). About the IK FK as seen in that video… I do not know if its actually posible in blender…(but never say never)
groovy…(I love that)
peace :wink:

Hey guys, thanks for the coments. Yep as bov said the eyebrow are very restricted by the moment, I plan to add a mdefto make the character even more elastic and eyebrows will work better. About the shoulders…Im working on it and may be I have to modify the topology in that area to make it work better.
I cannot make tuts by now (I have not much time) may be later :smiley:
Groovy… (I love that word)
Peace :wink:

Sorry by the double-post :S

Very nice. I like the rubber legs too … but it’s hard to see how you did it. Can you explain please ? How does “cadera.H.100” work ? … I can’t see its vertex groups ?

Very cool rigg and character, thank you to share it.
I tried it fastly and it’s as easy as Ludwig, so good for me :slight_smile:
There is just something i can’t do : I can close the 2 eyes by selecting both riggs of eyes together but when i want to close only one eye i can’t. I’ll try again.

It’s OK I see it now.

adb cadera.H.100 is parent of leg’s bones it does’n have vertex groups itself alto that bone is set like “hinge” you can turn hinge off if you want :slight_smile:

Hi guys, there is a new version of Donky! here
I added more facial controls, now you have more control over eyebrows and tongue is rigged and also two shining new bones for the shoulders and lots of minor changes in the body bones.
Remember that the main controls of the body are at layer1 some aditional bones in layer2 and facial controls at layer3.
Hope you like it :slight_smile:
Peace :wink: