New Blender Feature Ideas Website

Editing is fixed! Hooray! Everything works in Markdown now. Big thanks to Pablo Vazquez for pulling the long hours to get that resolved.

Theming-wise, the site is having a few little hiccups with some custom icons, but we may have to tolerate that for a day or two until I can find the time to do some more customization on the theme.

For anyone interested, the Meta category has been created for anyone to make suggestions on the site itself.

Agreed! I’ve seen a few ideas already which were clearly just low-effort idea-dumps.

I’m really happy with the site so far, I have to say, and I’m curious to see how it evolves.
Am I the only one who can’t see the upvote/downvote buttons on comments? They work, they’re just invisble.

I’ve gotta say that I’m impressed so far that all of this has been pretty positive. At this point in the page count most threads have had a falling out or two! I might even be inclined to participate. Good job on the site and the way this thread is being handled so far.

Until we have a proper flagging/tagging system, I highly recommend that you use the commenting system to let people know that their proposals could use work (and be specific about what would be more helpful to see). If they make the changes you request, you can always change your vote.

Yeah… That came from an update to the theme I did yesterday. The new icon font I’m using is missing those particular glyphs I think. There are a few other icon/characters on the site that are missing/broken as well. I’m hoping to fix them this weekend.

I agree that selections are an absolutely essential area that needs to be well-designed and consistent in its principles.
If everyone agrees, I’ll use the User Interface category for requests about selection tools and workflows.
If you think it isn’t necessarily “interface”-related, maybe a Selection category would be appropriate as well, considering how making selections of some sort or another is the bedrock of most user interaction in CGI. Either works for me - I just want to make sure things arrive in their proper place. :slight_smile:

Just a heads-up folks. The site is likely to go down in the next 24 hours or so. I need to restructure a few things on the backend (database, caching, minor theming) and that’s going to require taking the server down for a little bit. Hopefully this on the scale of minutes rather than hours. I’ll make another post in this thread before I get started.

Alright… everyone hold your breath. Site’s going down for a little bit, starting… now.

Edit: Site’s back up. Still need to do some theming things, but my little backend reworking is done.

I just tried a markdown link but in the preview it seems to turn the text white. Is that a styling/theming issue or something wrong on my end?

EDIT: Okay, when I posted it, the links turned out actually visible. However while you’re writing a post, the preview displays markdown links as white.

Thanks for the heads up. Small theming issue. Should be fixed now.

Hmm, also - when I edit a comment, all markdown seems to have been removed. Bold text isn’t bold anymore, even an image I posted disappeared and I had to edit again to re-include the image. Just seeing html tags when comment editing.

Yeah… I’ve noticed that, too. The editor doesn’t translate back from HTML into Markdown and instead delivers the raw tags. I think that this is a bug in Dillo.

Is it possible to replace a “header image” uploaded during thread/proposal creation during the editing process? I can’t seem to find how I can replace it.
Also, are there any recommended dimensions and/or a template with outlines for which parts of the image will be visible in the circle thumbnail representation or as a full-width square?

Also, why for example does my proposal show up with only a small circular thumbnail while shows up with a nice full-width feature image in the main list on ?

There’s currently no means of updating/changing/adding the image that’s uploaded when a proposal is first submitted. That’s certainly something I’d like to change.

A template or guideline for the thumbnail crop of that image would be a good thing to add, I agree.

As for this bit:

The way Dillo works is that it give greater size/standing/visual weight to submissions with higher vote counts (“heat” may also be taken into account, but I’d need to check the code to verify). Basically, the idea is that submissions that have the highest interest get more real estate.

Ah, I see.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

While its nice to see this site is very active, for me this is now getting a bit out of control.

  • Lots of posts (more then I can keep up with now).
  • Real mixed quality, on average low quality… (people suggesting many proposals in single post… or giving nowhere near enough information)… with no real good way to flag as incomplete.

So I’ll take a break from checking this site until a bit better community moderation is implemented.

Hey Fweeb, since this is a side project for you ~ understand these things take time.

Glad you looked at some of them at least - some of the recent fixes you made are really cool.

I’m realizing that my own stuff is kinda niche for my area of interest, and won’t gather any weight if it isn’t something in the regular workflow expected for users.

Just means I need to keep learning more python and get to another level. :smiley:

I think that a nice evolution of this concept would be a Blender Code Exchange (something similar to a Stock Exchange). I´m talking about a site where selected proposals, that have been approved by module owners as achievable and compatible with current blender design will be posted. Then users could donate money to a current functionality making a kind of bag.

After that developers could claim a certain functionality to implement if they think they can do it with a cost equal to the money provided by users. Once a developer claim a functionality this task is blocked for a certain period. If the developers submits a patch that gets approved then the money is transferred to the dev. If the deadline expires a no patch have been submitted the task is open again for developers to claim it. Of course a part of the funds should assigned to the General Development Fund in order to compensate the work of revising the patch.

This is very general approximation, a project like this should have a more polished definition. But I think that this sort of approach could be interesting to empower Blender Development, attract new devs, as for example freelance coders or even actual Blender Coder which only have a part time contract with the Blender Foundation.

Just my two cents.

I think the flagging/tagging thing is probably going to be the biggest benefit to improving proposal quality. I think that Dillo has the capability for such a feature built-in, but I’m not entirely sure. Still waiting for feedback on that from the Dillo devs.

As for tying bounties to these proposals, I’d really rather not. A site like this is best for fostering discussion. The act of shepherding actual development is best handled elsewhere, IMHO.

Agree, it could be attempted … but handling money makes things a whole lot more complicated (and risky!).

If people are interested to do this - best they pick the top agreed on suggestions (that module owners of the code agree on) and set them up on bountysource (or similar sites), theres nothing stopping anyone from doing this right now if they like.