Hey guys! I’ve just setup a new blog, and I’m putting up all my blender projects from now on onto it. Therefore I think it comes under the WIP section! Please subscribe via rss or Google friend connect, and leave CC, it means a lot to me. Thanks!
why not just put your wips here? trust me it works much better unless you are a very famous artist
I like the separate blog idea. Why? You control the posting, and can see progress quickly without scrolling through 20 comments to get to the next image.
From your blog:
Name: Jacob Warring Eytle
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Industry: Student
Location: United Kingdom
I like how your vital stats include your astrological sign. Now we don’t need to ask “Hey baby, what’s your sign?”, as we’ll already know.
I vote against. the advantage as the very funny moderator stated is that everything is in one place.
The disadvantage is bigger in my opinion, which is a lot less views and therefore a lot less opinions that could have helped you get your models the render they deserve.:yes::eyebrowlift:
so, weigh those arguments.
There are many pros and cons for both. If I could copy and past the post’s from my blog to BA, I would 100% do that. The problem is, I’d have to redo all the images, as I believe that HTML isn’t supported in BA posts, only BB code. I will check this out though…The other thing is that a blog is more professional. If someone is looking for my work (think ahead here guys!) and all they can find is a post on a forum, it’s defo not as professional as having a whole site. If I could post up here just by copying the blog post, I would. I’ll take a look now Thanks for the comments though guys!
no what is professional is what most of us that have wesites do… have a gallery of finished stuff there and maybe a few wips but only nicely put together… and if you ask for cc on your “professional website” then you will get comments like 3dmedievals (no offence, i quite enjoy reading your posts)
have a look at my and others websites
I’m saying post pictures in your blog, but ask for comments here. Yes, the discussion should be here, but for image continuity, it’s nice to have a portfolio site, that’s all I mean. Comments and questions here.
Great, just found an HTML > BBcode converter. I can put the works up here too now
i was just going to say to look for a converter
no what is professional is what most of us that have wesites do… have a gallery of finished stuff there and maybe a few wips but only nicely put together… and if you ask for cc on your “professional website” then you will get comments like 3dmedievals (no offence, i quite enjoy reading your posts)
have a look at my and others websites
No offense taken. I live to amuse.
Thread hijack! Here’s my site, since we’re swapping sites - it’s very specifically for 3d renderings I’ve done for college students. Package design and concept chairs. I don’t have a lot of say concerning the renderings - they want white backgrounds for their portfolios, so bear that in mind. I’d do some things differently if it where up to me:
Site coded 100% in notepad by me. HTML, CSS, Javascript (people ask).
Wow, nice stuff you got there!
Thanks. It’s a good second (and first) income sometimes.