New character rig: MTI_Audine

Okay, after a long time of catching dust on my harddrive, I’ve finally finished everything for the rig. The rig itself has been finished for some time, but I never really got around to the manual etc. But it’s done now.
Ladies and gentleman, freakydude and balade present: MTI_Audine.

she and little_fella get along well:
stickman is a little less fortunate, but he doesn’t complain:
and grabbing the goat by the horns:

Download areas:

have fun.

EDIT: forgot to include the bloody textures… darn it. reuploading now.
EDIT2: and fixed.

great! more Freaky Rigs!
thanks, this character is lovely.

Aaaaaand…another cool rig! Downloading now, can’t wait to try it out!

Thanks FreakyDude, another great rig!!!
I’ll try it on my next project.

From one of eager funs of Freaky rigs.

Some good ideas in the files…

thanks for sharing FreakyDude and Balade!

Thanks guys, and our good friend FEDB notified me of a certain bug, with solution.
The texture paths are absolute instead of relative.
I’ll make a new zip file as soon as I get home.

Thanks a bunch and good job!

Bit of a RapidShare problem


This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector’s Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

This limit is reached.

To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector’s Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector’s Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.

I’ll look up my old rapidshare account details then.
I didn’t have time to fix/reupload the rig at home anyway, so it’s not really a big deal.
Get it from my homepage for now, I guess tonight I’ll reupload with the texture path fixed as well.

Thanks! Lovely character and cool rig!

Thats so awsome but I have a problem I cant rly download zip files.:frowning:

sorry, missed these posts. I have an update planned some time from now. Why can’t you download zip files? The one on my homepage works?! At least I’ve tested it on 3 different computers/networks.

… and stickman is powering up for a full update/remake as well…