Okay, after a long time of catching dust on my harddrive, I’ve finally finished everything for the rig. The rig itself has been finished for some time, but I never really got around to the manual etc. But it’s done now.
Ladies and gentleman, freakydude and balade present: MTI_Audine.
she and little_fella get along well:
stickman is a little less fortunate, but he doesn’t complain:
and grabbing the goat by the horns:
Thanks guys, and our good friend FEDB notified me of a certain bug, with solution.
The texture paths are absolute instead of relative.
I’ll make a new zip file as soon as I get home.
This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector’s Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.
This limit is reached.
To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector’s Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector’s Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.
I’ll look up my old rapidshare account details then.
I didn’t have time to fix/reupload the rig at home anyway, so it’s not really a big deal.
Get it from my homepage for now, I guess tonight I’ll reupload with the texture path fixed as well.
sorry, missed these posts. I have an update planned some time from now. Why can’t you download zip files? The one on my homepage works?! At least I’ve tested it on 3 different computers/networks.
… and stickman is powering up for a full update/remake as well…