good idea,i have problems with armatures and stuff though,s’pose its a good reason to start learning the animation tools.
i would participate,the external renderer idea is good,but isnt it more challenging(it is for me)to use blenders renderer,especially for metals and glass.but then again…hmmm,good idea
Very good idea. I’m in!
I like he idea of rendering in anothere renderer. There have been contests enough where you are supposed to only use the native reneder, so it would be cool to see some other stuff.
By “insect/spider”, am I to presume you mean “insect/arachnid”? Or maybe simply “arthropod”? Scorpions are neither insects nor spiders </smartass> </pedant> </whateverelseyouwerethinking>
Have you considered how entries targetted at specific renderers are going to impact on the post-contest surprise?
Hmm… This should be interesting. I haven’t done any myriapods yet…
Could you still use the model created for this challenge? reason being, I’m working on an animation that will involve a large robot based on a spider, but need to retain control over my model for obvious reasons. the contest image itself ofcourse would be for the contest runners and myself jointly (ie. I can use it on my website, as can the contest, but it must be credited to me)
If this is the case, I wouldn’t mind joining in. (felicitous serendipity)
yes, of course, all the entries will stay credited to their creators. I had an idea for which we would need the models of the winners (voting in multiple categories) in a special project, but you could still refuse to participate in that. I won’t tell what my idea is though, surprise
Aaah. sounds cool. Gotta finish texturing and rigging one of the other props quickly so I can get to this. Kinda good, since I’ve been dawdling and need something to speed me up.
I guess that’s a yes vote from me. deadlines, req.s?
I don’t know for the deadline… Does one month feels ok? Or is it too long/short? The model needs to be animatable (Armatures), so it could take some time if the model is complex… :-?