New Dell Laptop Intel HD3000 Blender 2.49b Windows764

Hey Dudes,

I’m having an issue with blender. I just upgraded my drivers to the latest from the Intel’s site to see if i could resolve the issue.

The issue is basically this, when you load blender the splash screen never goes away unless you click on it. It also requires 2 Tab clicks to get into edit mode, it’s one tab click on my DESKTOP PC. Also when the cube is colored with the purple color, it has the cursor, instead of the cross. Also when you do a rotate or scale the cube remains it grey. Where the Desktop remains purple. My Instructor got kinda pissed off by it today and could not understand why it was doing it.

I’m thinking it’s the Intel HD3000 Driver. I really need to get this fixed as my course requires that i used only this version.

Because in my previous driver. I had to left click two times for the cross courser to move around the grid. With the new driver it turned to only one click. But still has that above issue that i discussed above.

Eh, how does 2.5x work?

I bet the archive is the best bet :wink:

I just updated the Intel HD3000M driver to latest and it still has the issue.
i’m starting to think maybe it was mistake getting this Intel HD3000. Seemed impressive, but can’t run blender 2.49B

I can’t use other versions, as this is the only one that is allowed in the course, or what they have been trained in.

Just wondering if anyone else had issues with the Intel HD3000 and blender 2.49B

I think the issue is lame intel gfx + old blender version (you may even have issues with new blender versions, intel gfx generally sucks). Blender is Blender, for an OSS app I don’t get using an ancient version, the newest free awesome version is available every day!

What i did was just install Linux Ubuntu 11.04 and then went to software tabs, installed blender, which was version 2.49B! I don’t have the scrolling issue anymore either. Seem’s like it’s working fine now. Maybe it’s a porting issue between blender and windows who knows.

So i think Intel HD3000 is broken in windows7, the only alternative for Blender 2.49B to work on an Intel HD3000 is to install linux.