new env maps and radiosity - questions


Could someone explain briefly how to use the new env maps and radiosity? I have tried to figure it out with some tutorials and read the 2.3 change log but am still confused. Would appreciate it very much.


Gaia <–click here
or here ==>

I’m pretty much fed up with EnvMaps and convinced at this point that they just suck and are completely usless to me. Its a shame too, because other people seem to get such nice results from Envmaps.

I can’t even seem to get chrome right, even though I have followed the tutorial in the tutorials section to a t. I give up


EnMaps haven’t change since at least Blender 2.0

They are not new to 2.3! Only new thing is that you can force several, iterative, computations of an EnvMap, but this you will need if a mirror is reflecting another mirror.

For radiosity I would redirect you to the Online Manual but it is
not updated (yet) so stay tuned.


P.S. dante which tutorials? THe one here on elYsiun is very brief. search for BgDM’s one.

Stefano, found BgDm’s tutorial but the site is down. Is there an alternate place where I can get this, or is this just a temporary hiccup over at reblended?


dante, why not try the ‘envmap-o-matic’ in the python and plugins forum. top thread.

Thanks for the links and its good to know that the online documentation will still be kept updated. I am assuming the online documentation is different from the new 2.3 guidebook which has to be purchased.


modron, I have used that script before. Getting env-maps to show up on objects is not the problem. Getting nice looking, predictable, easy, realistic reflections (chrome specificly) is the problem.
