new feature request

It would be very useful to have an arithmetic solver for the s, g, and r keys, maybe in the 2.5 update. For example, inputting (r =15*2) would rotate an object 30 degrees. Another example, inputting (g -x =19.5+27.125) would move the object 46.625 in the -x direction.

Does anyone know where I can make this request?

you know that you can to that already in the transform panel, do you?

This is so you don’t have to go from selecting the object, then to the transform panel, then back to the object. Imagine having to move a bunch of different vertex points inside an object. You’d have to click on one, then click to the object panel, then click on the next, object pane… What if you don’t want to be in the object panel anyway? You can instead just work on the object itself, and this would be a groovy shortcut.

oh i see. yes, that’s right, would be great. :slight_smile:
every shortcut is welcome!

you can put feature requests here

but the site is down at the moment

Or 3 * 1.6180339887

to move lots of vertices to the location of anoher one it’s easy
you don’t really need math for that

just change the pivot point for individual and you selelt that one last after all the other vertices selected then scale x …
and all the vertices will move to that last vertex!


i think this idea can also be used for architecture and industrial design or any thing that require precise modeling

@myway, that’s exactly why I want it B)

I believe you can already do this in blender with python. You would need a space handler script to provide the interface for typing in the math which would then work in conjunction with an object script link to do the transform. (You might be able to jerry-rig it to work without using an object script link, not sure though)