Hey there i just joined the fourms
I have been messing with blender for about a month
this is my first real project its a P-51 Mustang from WWII its the early model without the bubble canopy
I am only 16 so i dont want to be made fun of cause of my bad modeling skills
here it is
in my newer renders there are Air force and navy symbols on the sides and wings
its really not bad, but the texture needs some work. it looks like you have applied a texture but havent created UV maps/ or havent applied the texture method to UV.
maybe use AO from the world settings menu so the shadows arent so strong.
your modeling skills are looking good, 1 month into blender and i couldnt get this far. the window’s need some work though, it doesnt look like ther are any frames around then.
maybe if you select the outside edge of the glass and press ‘p’ key to seperate it and then extrude these edges to create a nice little rubber/ metal? seal around the glass.
apart from that keep up the good work
Good modelling (independent of your age) …but U forget to create a UV map.
U have to work a bit on metal material, It seems like chrome material, but this kind of airplane uses a different material.
Look at this img to see what i’m talking about!!!
I think you have picked a really cool project, but you will need to UV Map your plane to get the textures to look correct.
The texture itself might need some work but the modelling is good (from what i can tell).
Also, your age means nothing and has nothing to do with your modelling, this is propably the kindest forum on earth, everyone is polite. I have never seen any flaming here at all.
I am 14 years old but no one is making fun of me because of my age, they rather help me to see what is wrong with my models.
Indeed… age doesnt matter…your modelling skill is far better than me in that time frame…just keep blending…
thx guys
yea the last fourm i was on was verry harsh nice to know theres no flamming here
ive been messing around with the modeling im still working on the texture ill get pics up latter