As you may have noticed the forum layout changed considerably today.
The last time the forum layout changed considerably was shortly after NaN went bankrupt, it seemed at that time that Blender might not live on. Thus I had the idea to convert into a general 3D website since most Blender users would probably split up into several directions it would be able to keep the original Blender Community together somewhat. Due to this idea the forum layout changed to have the separate Blender category, as more categories might have been added for other 3D packages.
However at this moment Blender is clearly living on! And is now more than ever an active Blender Community website and is most likely to stay just that. Thus it was time to change the forum layout to reflect this.
Another addition to the elYsiun forum is the new ‘Other Software’ forum as requested by several users in this topic:
Woops, I almost forgot to mention this,… the French Users Forum has been removed, due to too little activity.