New FotoReal (IMHO) image

Everybody was render a mirror ball over a checkered ground sometime.
Thi’s my attempt:

Great picture how did you get that scratch on the silver sphere.


Neat, man!

What renderer did you use?
Surely not Blender’s, cause you have DoF in the background.

Keep up the good work!:wink:


that’s beautiful.

love the scratching. are those just bumpmaps?

Nice picture Caronte!

Caronte created his own DoF method, I’m sure he did use Blender.

You are right! :wink:

  1. All was done in Blender without external postprocess.
  1. Whoa! 8)

Really cool render!

I wonder if anyone will ever render a checkered sphere over a mirror ground… Mmmm…


Yes, Several Bumpmaps.

wonderful. Loved the texturing, DOF, originality.


a very nice work…!!!


Sweet :o !

I wish I could do chrome like that. Is there still a tute somewhere on how to make chrome?

Beautiful work Caronte, as always!


Very nice done :slight_smile: , but for me it is just a copy of ones made in Maya, I have seen the same kind of scene when Alias presented that it could handle non square textures…and do please correct me if I am wrong…but indeed cool and very well done in Blender :wink: 8)

You are all right :smiley:

I was see a image like that some time ago, but I don’t remember where.

You are all right :smiley:

I was see a image like that some time ago, but I don’t remember where.

Yes, I have hard time myself figuring out where I also saw it…maybe some advertisment for a new release for Maya…


The chrome texture is an EnvMap nothing more, but many times we forget add the environment to be reflected :smiley:

(Thanks by your comments)