New game in a new direcion

Hey guys, ive been talking and discusing some stuff with bungie, and they said they wanted to use some of my work in blender. Tell me whacha think!


see the resemblenced between the two

Hmmmm…Are you insane?

Where the hell is the Admin when you need him?

Reported as spam.

What do all you people have against the halo series. Its not my fault I have the skilll to model and texture all of the characters in halo3, oblivion, and GOW. Im just sooo good. So dont be hating me,

Karaoke i feel sorry for you, you must really lead a sad life.

Go kill yourself, please :slight_smile:


I don’t understand rest of you guys for even replying to this thread, you’ve seen it a million times and you still get annoyed

-edit- heh, I just replyed…