New Game: (Working title) Demo page 4!

ok well here it goes,

it will basicly be a game were you have an animal* that you train and watch as it roams around the area. The animal will have its own mind (dont expect to much, i cant python script for my life, but it will have some pre-made scripts)

oh and here’s a pic

the cube will be replaced by the animal. The island it is on now is cartoony because i dont want to have a high poly land and a low poly animal.

*now, i want to have to player to chose an animal out of many, so if you have ideas about any animal that you would like to see in the game, just say so and ill try to put it in, so far the only animal is an untextured cube. (not much fun to have a cube as a pet)


so far so good. ill be watching this, it seems very interesting.

For animal choices, I’d use the standard fare like cats and dogs, but also use exotic things like elephants and flamingoes. Also, have a seperate area for water creatures (goldfish, shark, octopus?).

Ambitius project.

Don’t fear “AI” scripting, it just takes a little work that’s all.

Actually, I made some simple AI examples for delmarco not so long ago. You can find them in this thread:

O, and for the animal, I would like to see a wolf roaming around in the gamespace.

Good Luck with your project.

ok here is the first “pet” that i have made and rigged.

can you tell what it is? it’s a dog (one of the chooseable pets):smiley:

tell me what you think:cool:

looks like a fun model.:slight_smile: deffinintly needs some kind of lighting though…I know your going for a cartoon look, but there should atleast be some sort of lighting so it doesnt look like a blob to the player…realtime lighting, vertex paint, textures…any would do.

Heres another idea: select your dog…duplicate him…vertex paint him black…fatten him(the black version…in edit mode, hit Alt-S to “fatten”…only fatten slightly.)…then also in edit mode, flip the normals for the black version…join both dog objects together. You should now have a nice cartoon outline!:slight_smile: Though I dunno if you want that…I think it would look cool. It will double your dogs face count, but thats a really low poly model, so it shouldnt hinder gameplay at all…

cool model, as for animal choices ithink you should have birds, racoons, and lizards.

here is an updated pic of the dog with some lighting (soon to have eyes)

i liked the wolf i dea so i think ill make that next. Thanks social for the idea and the script:) .

oh btw, do any of you know were i can find a tutorial on how to make a walk cycle for 4 legged animals?
i also think i will add an elephant thanks toomai for that idea:) .

New pic!

the dog now has eyes!
the pet in general can now walk around freely around the island, it looks at you (as shown in pic) when you press a certian button. As for the dog, still no walk cycle but he waggs his tail and looks when you call him. he also goes to a location when he is told.
i want the animal to eat food when he is hungry and sleep when he’s tired. EVENTUALY, the player will be able to control his diet and how long he naps. When you over feed the pet constantly, it will become fat. If you dont, it will eat on its own but it will eventualy get skinny if you never feed it. I will try to post the dog in his fat and skinny state.

The game sounds cool, but very hard to code. Can’t wait to see the finished product!

im having trouble getting him to have a fat model, normal model and a skinny model. any suggestions?

update: i got a hunger bar up and working and soon to have a tiredness bar.

the dog is seen here playing with a toy ball, and those other objects are rocks

From a cube to a dog in a couple of days wow simply amazing
i like the cartoonish look to this game
good luck on the rest

It looks nice.

Sorry I’m not impressed by that comment. That has to do with experience.

He’s right, it is experience, the dog is only a rough low poly model that i made in 1 minute. the final game wil have a better looking dog with a higher poly (i’ll just modify the mesh a bit)
What you should be mentioning is the game’s current A.I, the dog can now spot a toy ball, run after it, and when he gets to it it pushes it around. (there’s alot more stuff like that if your still not impressed o_o)
here’s a new pic

the white plain will eventually be the food that he goes to when he’s hungry. (right now he is looking at it waiting for aproval)

there’s alot more stuff like that if your still not impressed

Well, I was already amazed when I saw the picture at the start with the cube!:smiley:
I’m terrible with the game engine, the best I’ve made was a maze game that barely worked:o…
BTW, I think the low-poly dog is fine as it is, it matches the cartoony style of the rest of the game. Also, a cube would be a cool pet! Easier to animate, too:)

Hehe, that looks like a nice project!
And an intresting game concept too…

Good luck with it :slight_smile:

it wasn’t that good:p

anyway, here’s an update,
I havn’t been able to work on it for a while so i’ll try to make up for lost time. I had a new idea, the cusor will be a human hand. It hasn’t been put in as a cursor yet so, tell me if you think its a good idea:)

( i made it look cartoony for a reason)
i know the textures look bad, (i made this one in about a minute) Oh, and i finaly have a walk cycle for the dog along with a bunch others.

Wicked man! XD

You’ve been playing Black and White, haven’t you? :wink: