New hair system

For some time now there is this branch coded by Lukas Toenne. And as I don’t have any informations about it, I wanted to ask a few questions about it.

What does it do ? Did someone test it ?
What part of hair system will change ? Is it just a new guiding system or entire new system ?
Will there be changes to the clumping system especially ?

At the moment the only things I find a bit lacking is the clumping system (and maybe the physics but I don’t use it that much haha), other softwares (Xgen in Maya or Yeti for example) support multiple layers of clump, with different clump size for each layer, each layer having its own guides system.

So what do you others think about it ? What could be your expectations for a new hair system ? :smiley:

Probably the cited dev doesn’t want to make this branch known because he’s burned out of Blender development (Ton said something about this, i can’t remember if it was mail or irc) and PROBABLY he’s continuing his work outside the timeframe and spotlight of Blender users, in his own pace and branch. (It seems he even didn’t want to appear in one of the code quest videos when he was in the new Blender office, but maybe that’s just my imagination).

Probably when his branch is ready (or not) we will know for sure.