What do you think , I put about 10 hours into it , after reading a few tutorials here and there … I cheated on the chrome for now . just used a streched blurred image for a texture … to satisfy my eye for the time being .
wow, very cool, u damned noobs!!!
I think it’s cool :o
Thanks guys
I am happy with some aspects of it sofar , I gotta keep it very toony , as I plan on adding a character I will model later ,
" Machinegunkelly "
But I dont even know where to begin with that right now …
I REALLY wanna make the floor look shiny as all hell, almost as if there is super clean glass over the tiles , but have no idea how
Any ideas ?
can we see a wire? or something to prove it’s yours? (i applogize, but this is just too good to be the work of a noob! :o )
another reason for my suspicion that it’s not yours is the address of it, the domain is some kind of adult site… :-?
nice. although, if yuo want to keep it toony, you need to make it toony first. the render you got there, doesn’t really look like one yet
Blendermax and his suspicous mind have a good point, the picture is being hosted on a Adult design website. And its really good, almost too good for a n00b.
Nice start, can be inproved, but model looks fine, can we see the wire?
wow not bad um keep up the good work.
Sure … Ill take a few caps now …
Shit Ill even upload the blend if you really want … and they you can see how noob it really is LOL
Sure … Ill take a few caps now …
Shit Ill even upload the blend if you really want … and they you can see how noob it really is LOL[/quote]
i’m really sorry if i was wrong, but we get all kinds of people hanging around this forum. and people are cautious especially after a notorious spammer has been banned and people are waiting for his comeback (at least I am), and also there was a big affair about this guy, Dale Williams, who copied the work of tens of the most known computer artists in the world… :-?
one question though: why the hell do you host your stuff on adult design sites? it seems you have admin rights as the pics arent in subfolders or anything…
but i’ll be glad to see wires, definately.
I host my stuff on a adult domain cause I am an adult designer ,
but thats web , and web and 3d are totally different
I just found blender last friday looking for linux actually ,
I am Stoked! I was after 3dsmax or something else , all OUTRAGEOUS prices
Here my caps …
couldnt think of a way to really authneticate it … but if any one wants my blend to play around with it that would be cool , all I would ask is you post the results and I can have your blend after to learn from , I learn with my eyes …
Apperance may be decieving … I really dont have a clue at what I am doing … but I do know how to mask it …
the chrome on the arms and body is all faked , I manipluated a render of the scene is PS7 , and used it as a texture as I couldnt get the enviro map to work right … just looked blue and stupid ,
The floor , I was shit lucky with the tile … it just came out right , but thats thanks to and a great tile I made in advance that already looked rigid and 3d textured … there is no bumbp map , although it may look like it . , and took the tutorial with the boot ( url ? ) for the reflections …
Ill tell you this . this software is great , but it need an emergency noob undo button BIGTIME LOL
hehe … Im not offended you guys were suspicious , almost flattered really .
Haha, You should take the fact that people are suspicious as a compliment
I myself think this does look like the work of a newbie, not an average newbie mind – but one with a great eye for detail and a promising future in 3d modeling…Keep up the good work!
Oh yeah, you mentioned a problem with the Envmap.
I may have a file that can help you, which you can find here:
Please bear in mind that these are old files and quite sucky by my standards now, but It may help you with your envmap problem, not sure
sSorry for being suspicious. I guess that adult website creation site is yours. You have great design talent as you have shown in your second pic.
It seems like good design talent transfers into good blender talent quite easilly. I hope me and blendermaxs suspisions dont put u off the blender community. We are nice (sometimes), and even agree on occasions. Anyway nice work.