Hello everyone! i recently join this forum and community of 3d art!
Its been 3 days since i started using blender and doing projects so i decided to post here to meet you, and to get some critique and advices on my work, and upcoming work!
I’d like to think of my projects as serious work thus i posted here.
Here is link to my portfolio niephox.carbonmade.com
I would love to hear from you.
Thanks in advance.
well, it looks like youll do nicely, as far as your car goes id switch out the floor texture, its unweildly, stones seem too big and dont match the style so well, also youd be better off modeling them in three d so the grout normals look right… or add a bump map… that should keep you busy for a few hours… then beef up the ceiling, from what i can see its a dome with repeating diamond shapes, not bad, give it a solidification modifier, add a texture to it, add some geometry, lights, control access panels, wires ect… thatll get your hands dirty… hehe
Awesome! thanks a lot! ill give everythin you said a try!, Im thinking of keeping that idea of a project and keep working it
Spend hours on BlenderCookie, BlenderGuru.com, looking through pages of Computer art and analyzing what makes everything work. That’s what I did, when I started out a year ago. Also check CGmasters.com, and 3Dtotal.com. Try CGtextures.com, and learn how to get free, open source stuff to use with Blender (that is, unless you can afford good stuff). I use GIMP, Blender, and XNormal. I use Musescore for music composing, and LMMS for sound design. The point of all this is: there are a billion free tools out there, just waiting for you. You’ll become great in no time, especially if you keep choosing ambitious projects. Cars are hard, so it’s impressive to see you making one so soon. I still haven’t finished a single vehicle, yet, and I’ve been using Blender for a little more than a year.
Some specific tutorials I find especially useful are:
Knowing how to draw has helped me a lot in 3D art. Take some time away from your computer and just draw people, places, animals, and things. Also, play around with Blender’s Dyntopo sculpting tool. It’s kinda fun. You’ll probably make some hideously misshapen things at first, but it’s a lot of fun as long as there’s no one watching!
Also, I’d be happy to share some of the methods I use to make textures, models, etc. In the Secret to Realistic Texturing Tutorial, Andrew Price uses a program called CrazyBump. It costs money, and you don’t want to spend money on that! So do what I do, get free textures from 3Dtotal and CgTextures and various other free texture sites, and make all the maps yourslef in GIMP. This will help out all your materials, and give you the confidence to make more and more stuff. Anyways, just try to watch at least three tutorials a week (even if you don’t follow along. Some of the most important stuff you learn just by watching), and you’ll be great in no time. Also: give yourself permission to fail hard, because that’s what happens at first and you learn from your mistakes (I know I have! If you could see my first ever character you’d be embarrassed). Um, the advice in this is good: http://www.blenderguru.com/podcasts/ep51-advice-17-year-old-me/#.VDcpv_ldXgh
Blenderguru is a great source for help, and the podcast is especially good for artistic advice and learning. I love the interviews he’s done with animators.
Oh! And this is awesome! http://www.blenderguru.com/articles/blender-101-modifier-encyclopedia/#.VDdSz_ldXgg it explains all the modifiers.
[QUOTE=JosephBburg;2742293Anyways, just try to watch at least three tutorials a week (even if you don’t follow along. Some of the most important stuff you learn just by watching), and you’ll be great in no time. Also: give yourself permission to fail hard, because that’s what happens at first and you learn from your mistakes[/QUOTE]
I never followed tutorials when I was starting. I just watched tutorials and played around with Blender. I would like to say I broke it a few times but I never really did.
As an example for getting good in no time, this was one of my first models:
I was decently happy with it at the time though. Looking back at it though, It’s terrible. I made it in December or January. This is my latest version:
It’s much better and that was only around nine months ago when I did the first one. I’m not trying to brag here, I’m saying that you can do this also if you work for it. You could probably become better than me, just stick with it.
Every resource JosephBburg is really helpful and I’ve been using them for a while now. Here are a few more (including some of the ones he gave):
These two blogs are really good resources, but they aren’t exactly tutorial sites:
I use these resources to this day and I find them all very useful.
I hope this helped.