New jungle experiment for my next training


Looks great !
I love the sculpture/ruins - Is this your model od some external asset ?
Just not sure about the composition.
It’s very diagonal - like half sky half rocks.
I guess something should be more dominant.

keep blending
Jarek D (DJ)

Looks Great! The trees have great forme.

Very cool. Nice plants.

The sculpture is my own work, i will cover the process during the training.
Thanks for your comment!

Thanks for comment!

Neat, I luv stuff like this :+1:

Really nice work. Here are a few observations / reccomendations.

  1. Greenery beneath the ruins is very linear. I think some variation would make it look a little less kept and more natural.
  2. The greenery to the left and just beneath the ruins is further away than the greenery beneath it but the one above is clearer . Things should be less clear the further away they are in the fog.
  3. This last suggestion is really more opinion but I think a little more random growth on the ruins would go a long way.