new Keys in 2,5 like Shift F ect..

i found that beautfiull face fill in 2.5 is now Alt-F i guess

but what would be the other general one

Alt-J or Alt-T fro quad of tris faces


is there a summary of equivalent keys command between 2.49 and for 2.5

thanks happy 2.5

Just look in the menus or Space bar or


in cheat sheet look on first page
it seems to ahve a way to get it hot keys inside lbneder but
how can you use this in 2.5?


You have Bridge and Loft? Which revision number is that? or are they just addons?

well i tried to donwload again but refuse becasue i alredy have this pdf file !

and what does bridge has to do with hot keys ?


I only mentioned the bridge and loft because of the screenshot that was posted. I hadn’t seen this included in any versions of 2.5x that I’ve downloaded and was only aware of the add-on.

well if you add it then it will included but no embeded yet i guess

now i have other addons that i added to a new folder called addons contrib
where you can add whatever addons script you want

and you can simply copy the folder to any new built you download
it’s faster that way i guess

but still i would like to see a table of old hot keys for 2.49 with equivalent in 2.5

happy 2.5

but still i would like to see a table of old hot keys for 2.49 with equivalent in 2.5

Go through the menus in blender 2.5 and 2.49, the wiki and the link in my earlier post and compile a list of the old and new shortcuts in a nice easy to read format. Then you can share with everyone else. Are you prepared to take the enormous time necessary to do this ? I’m not, so why expect anyone else to.
The new shortcuts are readily available to you by looking inside blender itself at the menus and space bar search. You’ll honestly very quickly pick it up as I bet at least 90% are the same as in 2.49. I’m sure it would take more time having to trawl through a list of new and old shortcuts trying to find out what has and hasn’t changed.