New/Old Theeth Tutorial

I’m having trouble editing my html, mostly because my favorite cheat tool, Claris homepage lite, is gone with the hard disk wind :frowning: But I’m trying to hand edit my mish mash html, and comming up with a few bad spots, one being a picture to the link of Theeth’s newest (on my site) tutorial. Anyway, it’s the digital mark tutorial, and all you have to do to see it is go to :wink: (link below) I’ll be trying to get things up and running better soon, but for now, I’m wiped out :o and zombified.
Good nite all, Ingie

the correct URL is for my tuts

PS: @ Ingie: Digital Mark is the name of the guy who converted it. the tut is named “Procedural Modelling and Chrome”.

Thanks, theeth. I’m sorry about the mess there, and I have an update for the paths to put up still. I"m really slow about it, so sorry :frowning:

Love ya, Ingie