Hey, I not really sure where to put this question so I’ll just put it here… I am thinking of a new project where I am going to make a lava lamp :eek:. I have everything basically though out, just I don’t know how to make the transparent and also!!! colored liquid, so that you can also see the other colors of the blobs without the liquid affecting its color. Also how to make the glass transparent but not loose its reflectivness (if that is possible). If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated! :eyebrowlift:
Thank you in advance…
for transparency,(see through glass) go to the materials tab then the mirror trans tab. click on Ray Transp to make the alpha affect the transparency of the object. then, go to the material tab and put the alpha down to any thing you want. this applies to most of your questions.
Danka Shurn!