New proposal for new aramature . Build your own

Thank you very much for those kind words :smiley:


That is great to hear, I am looking forward to see it. I really would be the happiest person in the world if I would find out, how to finally use character animation in Blender. This time I work on two adventures with Blender art and doing characters out of Blender really slows things :slight_smile:

Hope there will be tutorial on realistic riging one day.

hmmā€¦ my armatures are not slow as slug, but I do have one problemā€¦ if I use iksolverbones, and then, when I drag armature setup away from ikbones, it gets slower further I drag.
example when I do a jumping character, and move my character upwards, so that the feet are still touching ground (because if ik-solvers)ā€¦ more up I go, more slower it gets. if I set my pose there, the blender is then slow all aroundā€¦ even if I leave pose modeā€¦ if I bring the guy back down, blender is fast again.

why is that?
I am not running slow machine, bad videocardā€¦ anything like that. and this only occurs with iksolvers getting far away from main armatureā€¦

and I know I donā€™t really understand how armatures work either, Iā€™m no expert on that areaā€¦ I just want to learn :slight_smile: I use lot of armatures, and all the extra info is appreciatedā€¦

hereā€™s the blend if you want to try:

see how slow he is, and the enter pose mode, drag the already highlighted bone down and see how it gets faster?


Itā€™s something inherent with IK solving. When itā€™s impossible for the chain to reach the solver, the calculations runs a lot longer. Reducing the number of iteration of the constraint would make it less noticeable. Moving the solvers with the chain when they reach their maximum would improve it greatly too.


Iā€™m ā€œhappyā€ that Iā€™m not just imagining thingsā€¦

hmmā€¦ moving the solvers in chainā€¦ hmmā€¦ is this something I can do in blender, or are you just talking about the code? :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s something you can do in Blender.

Little explanation: When the IK Solver bone is moving out of reach from the chain (or inversly, if the chain is movingā€¦), you can keyframe the solver bone to make it follow the chain at the limit, just to make it extend to itā€™s full reach.


of course I am moving the ik solvers too. but sometimes they come a bit behind, like in the legs when character is jumpingā€¦ first he extends, and then the legs pop up too to make the jumpā€¦ jumpā€¦

itā€™s in this extending part, when it gets slow.
and iksolvers have to be detached from the rest of the bones, so that they will work properly, right?

wellā€¦ Iā€™ll figure it out, and stop bothering youā€¦ thanks.
