I think some people has known, I want to write this here. kyk has provided a new Rusty knife script that is called “Rusty tools”.
Official page is here.(japanese)
How to use:
1)Download from here: http://3dgang.net/dmgr/dmgr.php?faction=download&dldid=3
1)Unzip the file.
2)Copy the “pyRusty” directory(not “pyRusty_1”) to your blender directory.
3)Start Blender and open your scene.
4)Open the TextWindow(Shift+F11).
5)Add New and Write below lines.
import pyRusty
5)Select a target object. Note: you can’t select a object which has some Materials so far.
6)Move the mouse cursor to TextWindow and press Alt+p.
7)press set target:(your object name) button in the GUI.
8)Move the mouse cursor to 3DWindow and press F to enter the FaceSelectMode.
9)Select a face.
10)Press select button. some faces are selected(Loop selector is default). If you won’t like this result, you have to reselect another face.
You can change direction of the loop selector with offset slider.
Also you can use the Normal selector. this is used to select faces whose normal is the some about as the face selected at 9).
11)press subdivide to subdivide the selected faces.
12)press Reset Target:(your object name) to select other face.
Also the flatter is available. this feature can transform the faces to flat.
Known problems:
The mesh attached some materials is made wrong by this script, sometime blender is crush.
When you subdivided a mesh with this script, you have to press Reset Target to reselect other faces.
I’ve just tried it, and it’s simply awesome. I was already a great fan of Rustyknife, but I’m totally amazed by this update !!!
For me the Blender modelling tool is now perfect (except the fact that I didn’t find a way to extrude from normals).
Give us better UV tools (even something like UVtools from Max2 will do the trick), give us Rigid bodies for meshes and particles, and soft bodies for meshes, give us antialiasing control, and with the sound functions that will ship with 2.28, Blender will be the awesome package I’m looking for.
Oh, I forgot to add a perfect integation of Yafray (that would handle animation infomation, for particle generation and motion blur), and Blender could be TOTALLY perfect
Thanks for all the people working hard for making scripts and pieces of code, and make our dreams come true around this incredible software. I’ll never thank enough this community for the incredle spirit that exists here.
(except the fact that I didn’t find a way to extrude from normals)
alt-S scales along normal, Hit E, then Alt-S
Tah dah!
Blender is awesome.-
Alt-s moves the selected verts in the axis of the normal when following an extrusion. However if you attempt to do it on a face (not after an extrusion) it scales in the other two axes as well.