New Script List

How’s the world creation script comming along ?

Here’s my current scripts:

BGC (Blender Go Cubic)
create cubic & cylindrical panorama renders to use with gocubic (needs updating cause s68 did a newer version)

BCFA (Blender Camera to Face Aligner)
align the camera to any nr of selected faces

BRayBaker 2.0 (Blender raytrace baker)
Bake shadows, textures, uv textures, reflections or basicly the current skin of your model into a uv texture.

BFOV (Blender Field of view)
Set the field of view of blenders internal camera to match a real world camera using focal length & film format or a just degrees.

Nevermind…found a link to it on Campbell’s page

Is there a working 3DS import script somewhere? I’m doing some AutoCAD modelling of a facility (for work) and want to render a flythrough. Blender isn’t importing any of the DXF files.

Want to try a 3DS import. The link at the beginning of this thread to the 3DS script is dead (along with the same link from blender’s import/export webpage.

Thanks in advance

Export the model in 3ds format in AutoCad, then Import it back in from AutoCad then export it as dxf, Blender should be able to reconize it.

is there a new version of the 3ds import script?

ROTOBox v1.1 <M>+
author: purple
description: Creates UV textured planes from selected images as an aid to modelling.
license: GPL
compatibility: 237+ (should work with older versions)

I wonder if it would be possible for someone to clean the cobwebs out of the thread. Or take it off sticky. This is worse than useless it’s just plain distracting and a waste of time.

I agree, however it would be nice to have a link to Goofster’s python script repository…

Yup, disarray, be better off as a website that can hold these scripts and keep track of them.