I have tryed to search after a shop for BlenderModels but that I did find was only for other 3D Programs so I have desided to start one for my self.
I’m allmoust finished with the Englich part. I will then open fore suppliers to submit their BlenderModels in ther supplier adminarea. I must only get that to work first and then it will be reddy for all of you
And the best part is that I have decided to give the supplier 60% of ther price and an ather 10% to Blender Fundation.
€ 100 is the models price then get the supplier € 60 Blender Fundation € 10 and then is the rest € 30 for the shop services (servers and stuff).
So what do you Artist find a bout that:yes: ?
The shop is now under blendermodels.eu to be visit but it is still in develoment so I will hope that some of you can make some suggeston of the layout of categoris other that I have set.
At the moment have I only set upp a testfigure that i only have made for this pupose when I did’nt have time so it is’nt suppoed to be fore sell (not that good) but so soon as the supplierarea is reddy all of you that have searched for an admin password will be able to start loading up all the models that you wich to atart selling. :eyebrowlift: :eyebrowlift:
To get registrer can you allreddy now start to send a regitrer search at: [email protected]
You must in that mail, at minimum your name an your login name. and not a obligation is image and url for I can registrate you.
I don’t think it’s such a bad idea to open a special shop because turbosquid doesn’t have the best reputation anymore… you should really consider to give the shop design to someone professional or to buy a nice template, so far it’s really ugly!
you should really consider to give the shop design to someone professional or to buy a nice template, so far it’s really ugly!
Yeah, I second that. Not a bad idea though. Good luck with it!
May I ask… Did you make that mighty fine pyramid? I will check it out from time to time!
Well I did the pyramid only to have an exampel so I could se if it worked as it should with download and so but if intrest arrive I could oftcource develope it better.
Well as it come to English so have you right is is’nt my native langue and I will trye to get it right. and thanks for the critiks. II wolud ude spellcheck on my posting but the school want allow installment of some thing and firefox is one of them and spellchecks is an other and the personal limit fore the Profile is 400 MB witch is’nt mutch to work with
I will see for the design and watt to do a bout it as of now its pritty mutch the osComerce orginal and its some hard do do some changes reigt now. But I will trye and you can come with some sugestions if you wiches…
It will be pritty mutch up to the supplier in how he will sell the models as a collection or as a pro basis
I think a model shop through Blender.org would be fantastic… however all model stores should be strickly “moderated” for quality. you definitely need to keep standards up otherwise respect goes down.
models that don’t sell need to be pulled after a certain period, if they are viewed as not great anymore (standards change, and so should whats being sold). either that or they are sold for a period, like two years. then either pulled or made free in a repository.
Well I have sort of thinikng to have a sell minimum over for exampel 1 year or so. Then the model will be removed if the sell is to low. A minimum of quality like 3d02 wold I also set in practice. But wat creteria chould I then use as good or bad models?
It’s seems that I have to wait fore the next release to the end of this or next month for I can get int to potting my BlenderModels onine completly (it’s a major release so I did think it’s better to wait and then rewrite the upload pluging so I can get it reight. Anyway in the meen time will I trye out the new Belnder Release