hey the site is looking pretty funky… simple, fast and nice to navigate… I’m not sure how you’ll allow for more tuts and interviews… maybe a scrollbar or it expands downwards/outwards (width of the screen) to make it friendly for interacting…
I couldn’t see the Japanese comparison image underneath… noticed this? maybe its up but it’s being silly at the mo…
as for Dereks’ ship… I can say it’s not poor design that’s letting it drop… it’s the finer details which are giving it a flat appearence… the texture res/qual is fine for now, but the mesh could include some ridges along points of the craft… say bumpers of grills… a door handle? dunno if future ships will ever need these but it’s up to you I guess!
Maybe he could change the way certain things are attached to the body… like the side light on the door for instance… it seems like a tin can with carboard wrapped around it glued on… ok ok so it could be picky and it’s fine the way it is… but add air vents, grills… hmm havn’t got much constuctive crit at the mo… sorry… but I think it’s fine so far!!
As for the content on the site it’s a nice start… but I’d say offer something new to the community… ok your offering tutorials, it’s a nice idea, but there are plenty of sites doing the same… if you still want it make sure you have some pretty unique offerings and present them well to get any good hit rates… the interviews section is a neat idea, just don’t go copy pasting if off other blender/3d sites which people have read already… it’s best to keep this short and sweet 2 liners on a news page or community awareness area… that way if you get regulars they can be reassured they won’t miss out on the decent interviews if you dedicate yourself to finding interesting new posts/forum activites or interviews like I said… tutorials, site openings etc… it’s best to be part of a whole rather than battling it out to be the best site on the net… help everybody out and you’ll get help back.
Well, maybe some ideas for you to think about, I won’t get offended either way so … enjoy :Z