New syntax for IPCurves in 2.28?

This code used to work very well:

from Blender import Ipo, Object
from math import *

ipo = Ipo.New('Object', 'ObIpo')                   # Create object ipo with nam$curve = ipo.addCurve('RotZ')                       # add IpoCurve for LocY
curve.setInterpolation('Linear')                   # set interpolation type
curve.setExtrapolation('CyclicLinear')             # set extrapolation type

curve.addBezier((0.0, 0.0))                        # add automatic handle bezie$curve.addBezier((100.0, 2*pi))                      # auto handle

curve.update()                                     # recalculate curve handles

ob = Object.get('Plane')

Now I am getting this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in ?  curve.addBezier((0.0, 0.0))
TypeError: expected list argument

I have tried different ways including a python list [0.0, 0.0]. No success. How has changed the IpoCurves syntax? Any hint?



If you do not use the Recalc function, this script works:

Unfortunately it doesn’t look as simple as the code above. :frowning:

Thank you anyway.

Unfortunately it doesn’t look as simple as the code above. :frowning:

Thank you anyway.[/quote]

Just look at the syntax of he addBezier function.
It seems that now you have to join the state of
the “handle”.

OK. BTW, how do I generate the happydoc python documentation for the new version?