A while back I created a texture set for use on Shadowdale. Because of time, Andy never got around to including them, so he gave me permission to release them to the community. There are a total 58 images in the texture pack, but this includes the normal and bump maps for each. There are actually 17 images in the texture set, but I included a few more that I’ve made as well. This brings the total textures to 22. The set was constructed for the inside of a mansion and includes pristine versions of the textures, and multiple degenerated versions. On my textures, I enjoy adding grit and grime very much. The bonus textures belong to a more industrial style, and are basically plaster over concrete. Like usual, anyone is welcome to use these as long as you credit me as Brandon Phoenix. I’ve included a .blend file, demonstrating one possible setup for the textures. Anyways, enjoy the set, and here are some samples. Note that these images are watermarked, though the version you download won’t be. The scale shown here is not representative of actual images size. Most images are 256x256, but some range from 128x128 to 512x512. Like all my textures, these were created from scratch, no royalty issues.
I find it interesting that people find more time and interest posting in worthless threads like this:http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=85728
than they do for serious work. Personally I find it fairly insulting that we don’t have moderators here to stop worthless shit like that from occuring. I spent a lot of time on these, and to see a topic like that recieve 44 posts in an hour an a half pisses me off just a tad. Writing “Social Sucks” on the walls took him a matter of minutes and is nothing bu t inflamatory. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way about the crappy topics. People spent a lot of time responding to Ganstagaret’s flame threads and let good work slip by.
I haven’t got a chance to check out the full package - not at my work computer, this being New Years and all. But I look forward to checking them out tomorrow.
Thanks guys. Maybe I should have made it smaller, so it’d be easier to download…
@self-adhesive: I included the normal maps and bump maps for use with the parallax bumpmap script available in the old graphics demos. They should look pretty nice in game.
Also, I thought Johando may be able to use these on the new castle he’s working on.
Thats cool. Did you used Blender to create the normal map images?
I wish there was a very simple demo for total ge noobes about how to use all these textures. I don’t know why but i can’t get the diffuse map to receive light with the GE materials enabled.
@tasers: I’m not re-uploading these. Took me 6 hours to get them up. Shouldv’t taken 3, but savefile.com told me that my security code was invalid after it had finished uploading (for 3 hours). So I’m not going to re-upload it, but if someone is willing, that’d be great.
-about your rant. I totally agree with you. But as long as the mods and admins allow this “new user” behavior to continue, it will never go away. Locking is not as powerful as banning. Sometimes you need to make an example so others learn from that. New users here are fearless becase they know the worst they will get is a smack on the wrist and worse come to worse they get a thred locked here and there. We need more a$$ hole mods. They keep the fear in the idiots minds.
-about your textures… I am quite impressed. I will be adding these to my library Thanks for making them and please keep up the awesome work.
@elander: it’s much easier to use normal maps created from images then from a high poly model, mainly because you actually have to make the high poly model. I spent only 10-20 minutes per normal map for each of these, compared to a ton of time it would have taken to take the normals from good geometry.
@Eniriqolonius: agreed. I’m not just bitching about my project here, I’ve seen this happen to others. It’s a bummer when people take time to burn the idiots and ignore the people that put a lot of work into their projects. And thanks for your kindness.
@tarkata14/gomer: I REALLY don’t want to reupload these if I can avoid it. Took me a really long time. Has anyone else downloaded them successfully? If so could you please upload them if you have a faster connection than dial-up. If not, I’ll re-upload them. Has any one else had this problem?
Yeah this place is a playground for the kiddies. Proper moderation here would be a full time job. I’m surprised they do as well as they do. Help them out with the “Report Post” links.
Does no good to worry about those playing and not interested in your posts. People gonna do what they want. We can still find the good posts, in spite of all the clutter. Found this one, didn’t I?
Shoot, that service posts my email address. Oh hell. opens umbrella -waits for avalanche of spam
Edit: Phew. Fixed it. Just for info, if you create an account there, go in and change the “Publisher” field in your settings cos it automatically puts your email address in there.