New to 3D, weird artifact under my roof mesh after extrusion

That weird grey-brownish thing protruding under the roof.
I made that roof by duplicating the upper faces of the top of the house and extruding it down to make it solid.

Welcome :tada:…

It seems the roof itself without the gable is a separaet object… so do you have for example smoth shsding activated for the gable ?? It seems to have no sharp edges.

This also can be simply because of the lighting…

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

You shouldn’t extrude an object down into another group of faces unless you are just talking about extruding the roof edge OUT to get the overhang.

Steps I would use …

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This is it! Thank you so much man. I was proably extruding down and using two objects. This is way easier.