Hello I am New to the world of amazing animations, any tips would be helpful.
Drop any courses you would like to suggest and help a beginner how to animate like a pro!!
Hello I am New to the world of amazing animations, any tips would be helpful.
Drop any courses you would like to suggest and help a beginner how to animate like a pro!!
Welcome …
there are literately dozen of tutorials if you search for basic animations in general and regarding blender specifically…
Also there are a wide range of animation… starting from the “famous” bouncing ball maybe even with comic like deformations to animating rigged creatures…
So you may have a look at something of thsi and may have to elaborate this later to get a more suited answer.
And there also is :
In many ways ‘animation’ is a pretty big and broad subject. While there are some general terms and concepts/principles that largely apply to all animation, I think it would really help to first know exactly what sort of animation you have in mind and want to do.
Well are you talking about animations in general or character animation ?
If you speak in general keep in mind that CG is a wide field.
Some people are specialized in creating characters, other do environment, some people are specialized in lighting. And on top of that , some people are more specialized into cartooony stuff, other more on realistic work and so on…
Of course there are also generalist that can touch every areas, but the catch is that it’s much longer to learn.
If it’s only about animating that you’re interested in then you can grab this book : https://www.amazon.fr/Animators-Survival-Kit-Richard-Williams/dp/0571238343
I suggest you grab a copy in your native language. Basically it’s an amazing resources to learn how to bring a character to life. I can guarantee that nearly all professional character animators own a copy.
In the meantime you might be also interested in this course :
Which will teach you more practical examples right in blender.
That said, maybe you should tell us more about what is your goal, what kind of animation you’d like to do so we can better advice you
Have fun !
Thanks for asking, I am also facing this problem.
“Animation” is a huge topic. You have to focus – to break it down. For example, I was attracted to wanting to show how things work. Mechanical things. Industrial processes, especially early ones. Others want to depict realistic people in “classic movie” situations. Both of these are, “animation.” Yet, they are entirely different.
Secondly: “this is team work.” Big teams. Just stay until the lights come on in the theater and watch the entire “crawl” to see what I mean. You will be playing what may seem to be a very small role, every day, in what might be a very big team.
A few “Blender movies” ago, the production team put out a general call for users to contribute … props. And, plenty of people did. So, as the movie rolls by, you now stand up and shout: “There it is! There’s my wheelbarrow!!!”