I am using Blender 3.5. I am quite new to this whole rigging process, and I would appreciate a bit of help. I can rig a character made all from the same object, but I have deformation and parenting issues (lol) when rigging a charatcer from different objects joined together. Here, this Jelly Bean Soldier I am working on is made of 5 (more or less) objects.
The body is one object, each arm is another, the eyes are each an object, and the helmet is one too. I joined them all together, but due to what I think is vertex groups, I am having difficulty getting the mesh to follow the bones. As I said, I am quite new to the rigging process, so a quick run-down of everything I need to do what be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hey there, welcome 
how did you bind your armature to your object? You need to select your model first, then your rig, press ctrl P and then Automatic Weights or Empty Weights. Each way, vertex groups for every bone (which has “Deformation” checked ON) get created. The vertex groups are what translate Bone Deformation onto the Mesh. The vertex groups also only work, if they have the exact same names as the bones in your armature.
Apart from that:
Have you checked the vertex groups’ weight painting yet? (Select your model and go to the weight painting mode)
In case you don’t know: In most cases, automatic weightpaint is to tell each vertex how much they get influenced by each bone. The Arm Vertices for example have an influence of 1 for the arm bone, an influence of 0.2 of the shoulder bone and 0 influence of the foot.
feel free to ask questions if these things don’t help. For the future: it helps a lot to attach your blendfile or show us your problem directly. Because right now, it is not clear what you mean or where you might have gone wrong.
Good luck! 
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Thank you, I will check out the video and attach my model here soon. So, I made my skeleton, and ctrl + p to the mesh, with automatic weights. It worked for the arms, but that was pretty much it. The helmet, straps, eyes, etc went all crazy trying to pose them. So basically, what I need to do, is name the vertex group that I want controled by the bone, the name of the bone?
Parent your Mesh to your rig and click automatic weights, they get created automatically. All you gotta do afterwards is check and correct the weightpainting of the vertex groups
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Awesome, I know nothing of weight painting, so I will watch that video you posted. Thanks alot!