New to the forums so I thought I'd post a few

Hi everyone. Aside from searching for Tutorials I’ve never spent near enough time on these forums. Now that I’ve checked out some of the work on here I thought I’d add a bit of my own.

Here’s a head I modelled last fall. 3d Wold inspired me to go for the holy-grail, a high-res photo-real head. After getting the model to the point where it was starting to look alright at pretty moderate resolutions I fired up the Gimp and remembered how bad I was at texturing. To get out of trying to make a hi-res texture I decided to go android to explain the plastic skin.

My personal favorite so far is my attempt at modelling my watch:

These aside I have a couple other pieces up at my website:
Check it out if you’ve got a minute and let me know what you think.

Lately I’ve been into 3d graphics programming and working on lo-res stuff for it. Hopefully I’ll have some worth posting soon. In the mean time there is a render of some lo-res plane models on my page.

Wecome to Elysiun… oh wait… um, what do we call these forums now??

Well, welcome anyway! Nice work on your renders. Looks like there might be a bit of a topology issue on the end of your head’s nose but nice work over all.
I checked out your site, I like the renders you have on there as well. The render with the oriental thing and the water I recognize, have you posted this project on the WIP forum before?

The face’s been laid to rest for the time being (I’m not even sure where the .blend ended up.) Thanks anyways though, I’ll take a look at the nose if I do pick it up again.

The oriental thing hasn’t been posted anywhere actually. It’s a common shot from Japan though (officially one of the “Three Views of Japan”). It’s the gate to a temple at Miyajima near Hiroshima (