I’m just making the switch to Ubuntu and after years of Macs got my first PC. While rendering is much faster than on the three year old iMac G5 certain things in blender seem to work just about as fast as on the iMac, some even slower. Previewing an animation seems much too slow, even in wire frame mode I can’t get realtime playback - or when joining windows I can see how the image with that big arrow gets drawn, also moving around nodes feels quite slow…
What could be the problem…?
I have a GeForce 8600 GT 512MB Light, an Intel Core Duo E4600 2,4 GHz and 2 GB RAM. I use the 64 bits Linux version (the 32 bits seems not to work on my system). I installed Ubuntu 8.04 (desktop AMD 64) and did not have any problems with that. But I just run the Ubuntu hardware test and could not see any colour bar etc. when I was supposed to during the test for video. A related problem maybe…?
probably you’ve “basic” ubuntu with the “free” graphics card driver ( no 3D acceleration)?!
In a terminal type glxgears
Maybe a window will open with some gears…you should get at least 2700FPS
Anyway, you can install "proprietary’ software with the “add packages” too I guess, I don’t use ubuntu, “stolen” from the great Debian/GNU/linux!
Thanks…! I’ve not used the terminal yet so I’ll try to find out how-to install these drivers through the repository. But good to know for now that there is probably nothing wrong with the hardware or that this doesn’t work - I’ll check out some other distros once I feel comfortable with Ubuntu…
Hello again
stick with ubuntu, at least for now, it’s based on Debian, but a little more “polished”!
To use the terminal/console it’s quite easy, just click in the little icon in the menu bar or “Aplications -> utilities - Terminal” I guess.
Then type glxgears …no window pops up?
Install the mesa-utils package
I could never figure out how to install the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu.
Why doesn’t nVidia put their drivers in the repository so you can just click on them have them install? nVidia seems to have the “we barely acknowledge linux users” attitude on their download page. I tried all the download packages from nVidias site and I clicked on them and nothing happened.
Just to continue my rant, Blender does the same thing. I could only get version 2.44 from the repository. Why isn’t the official release of blender in the repository? I have downloaded 2.45 and 2.46 and click on the icons and nothing happens.
I don’t use ubuntu but I’ll try to help anyway…
There’s a “enable proprietary software” in the add packages I guess, (you must add Universe and Multiverse repositories), this will install the official Nvidia drivers
If you click in the icons and Blender doesn’t work, try with a console/terminal, there’s some error messages that will appear ( some missing libs maybe)
Stop acting like a “you’re not really there so here take this and shut up” type of attitude is a BAD thing. Judging by your reaction I’m guessing you haven’t been using linux for a long time. This attitude that you perceive, be it correct or not, is 350% better than the attitude you would have found 2-3 years ago which was basically, “linux? linux who? OHHHH that linux…MWHAHAHAH yeah right”
Nvidia has just, very recently, started supporting linux. How do most things work when they first come out? Hell I’ll do you one better that doesn’t even include the BEGINNING of an app…install blender 1.72 and see how you like it. Short and simple quit crying before they go back to not supporting linux. Give them time to get all the bugs out before you say they don’t care enough…you’re lucky they care at ALL.
I’ve got the same card, and I found the best way to install nvidia on ubuntu is with a python script called envy. It will download and install the correct driver for your card and system… http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html
It’s pretty easy to follow, but tell me if you have probs
Thanks! I’ll try that once my PC is online later this week… I’m currently still using the iMac for internet. That’s a bit of a disadvantage of a distro that fits on single CD - having to look for drivers… I wonder what people without any internet access need to go through to get to a particular driver…? But at least the basic Ubuntu graphics card driver is there and it’s good enough for finishing my current project with the blender sequencer.