I feel I’m gonna get raked over the coals for asking this, but here goes anyway.
I’ve just started using Blender (2.23) and there’s a lot of options along the button bar that I cannot see. My monitor is at 800x600 (it can’t go any higher). Is there any way of changing the settings that Blender uses to the same as my monitor?
I’d be grateful for any help (yes, if I could afford a new monitor I would buy one, but not all of us can splash out on these things).
You can also use the ‘+’ and ‘-’ on the numeric keypad to see more or less of any window including the Edit Window. You can also try hitting the ‘Home’ key, which may automatically resize whatever window you’re in to include everything in it.
Hope this helps,
Yeah Like the fellas said just hold down the middle mouse button to drag along the Bar, (ALT-SHIFT-Left Mouse button if ya don’t have a Middle one).
my pet grumble is the InfoHeader (the batr with the Blender Logo) at lower resolutions the Stats at the far right can’t be seen and the above drag trick don’t work either
Oops complained about Blender, quick, move aside mr valve, CrunchSsizzleArrggggh
that’s most likely to be solved by the next Blender Foundation release (2.27) which has a toggle button to show or hide the pulldown menus, which, when turned off, makes more space for the useful info.
I also am plagued by a 800x600 screen, and I found that if you maximise any window (Ctrl+Up or Down) then it doesn’t show the Screen and Scene options in the infobar and leaves enough room for the stats when you’re rendering. (still not enough for editing, bit still…)