New Users

There have to be… 50 new users at least since the New Year. HAS anyone else noticed like suddenly a TON of new users joined… o_O
Moderators, can you check how many new users there actually have been in the last few weeks and if my observation has any truth to it… :open_mouth:

I’ve noticed that too. I wonder why?

The Blender 2.5 effect perhaps?

Blender really does seem to give a much better impression with the new UI compared to the 2.4x series.

And it’s not only on the art side of the program, but new people have been getting drawn to the 2.5 BGE as well.

Yes, I especially do notice the new users in the BGE section of the forums. It might be the new and more professional look and features of 2.5… Whatever reason it is, it’s a good thing. Go Blender :smiley:

Hopefully it’s not due to spambots…