new version of the .fig export script available

New version of the xfig export script is available
New features in ‘edge’ export mode:
-Optimization of the output file: if two segments are superimposed in the 2d drawing, one of them is deleted
-Optimization: Added the option not to export the segments that are not visible outside of the blender edit mode.
-Feature: segments hidden by a face are exported on a lower layer.
-Feature: Added the option not to export segments hidden by a face.

  • Added a minimal help in the user interface.
  • Added a progress bar while exporting in edge mode.

New options are slow in execution, but I found them very useful, so I added them in this release.
Bye, Dino Ghilardi

Download the script from:
---------UPDATE: 2004-02-24
Older version available under:

is this suitable/tested with blender 2.43

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It is not yet tested on 2.43 since I developed and tested it on 2.42a (with python 2.4).
Anyway, it should work also on 2.43, since it uses standard features of pyton and few API.
Please report if it is working in 2.43 and/or if you find any bug in it.
----------UPDATE: 20070224: It has been tested on 2.43 and seems to work correctly.

New update of the script:
some bugfix:
the previous version did not exclude moving hidden edges to a lower layer with the optimize button.
The dimension of the composite objects representing the views were not correct.
The new file is available at