Update #3 (header + rest of page) at the bottom, with color and different style!!
[edit] Go to the bottom of the page, I have added another update!!! [edit]
some of you may remember some of my old posts for my webpages, but they all kind of sucked. I put a bit more planning into this one and hopefully you like the design better.
here is a screen:
I will get the page uploaded as soon as possible, comments and crits are welcome.
Not much of a webdesign, it’s justs a quick gradiant and some type? I’m all for simplicity, but this doesnt really look like a website at all… Just some cheap digital effects to acompany some text.
Also, you either saved it really poorly cause I canclearly see the gradiant banding…
ya, the pic is saved in a poor format, and this was just the layout and basic design, I will probably add more details later. what suggestions do you have, cause I took a bit more time to get the layout and positioning to work with overflows and everything, and I did the design part kind of quick. At least this time my colors aren’t as bad, you don’t want to see my other one!
Looks good. I think simple is good too, although too simple is just bland. The way I see it, you have only 2 design elements: the gradient, and the rounded edges. Maybe you could incorperate another element in there? Like, for example, a border around the menues, and a border around the body text with a line that connects the two borders.
Also, the intro text is kind of a turn off. I personally dislike it when someone tells you: “The material I will be presenting is: blah, blah, blab.”. I would word it as “This is my personal profile of 2-D, 3-D and coding work done in Blender, python, etc.”, or something like that.
Anyway, that’s just my opinion. Looks great, though!
i would add a small border around the body and navigation and maybe add a nice logo too, not just regular font. Also, for the reflection on the header, bring that down a little so it’s not touching the letters, it makes the words look like they are floating. Maybe add a drop shadow too. The website is simple, but sometimes simplest is best
ok, the content is just temporary, just wanted to fill it in with something. A logo is in the works too, and I’ll think about some of those design elements, and by the way thanx for all of the help
ok, I got another update. I added a logo and changed the color just a tiny bit. I haven’t added the borders yet because I haven’t really found a good way to include them but anyways here is another screen:
[this picture has changed from it’s original, now its the same as the one below]
oh ya I haven’t changed the content either, I forgot to change it.
Personally, I liked the small blender above the big letters, MF. Maybe if you put an artistic line or something else above the “BlenderMF”, that might have the same effect, because the length of the header fits well. Cool logo, too.
It lookin’ better, but i liked the “blendermf” when it was smaller. The logo looks nice, but it could be better with maybe a glow effect or dropshadow.
Here is something i did real fast to get you ideas flowing as to what you could do to the logo and body of the website::eyebrowlift:
Start again is all I can suggest, this design is just going to be a dead-end to work with and isn’t going to look much differernt than alot of sites out there.
Whenever you work with monotone, you should expect a very dull, boring look most of the time (principle of colour theory). So you have to play well with design elements /placement and text formatting to get everything to look nice. However, everything on yours looks pretty standard.
One of my websites is done in a grey-brown or “stony brown” if you like. The reason being based on the fact that I wanted to emphasise other peoples artwork /content since it is an artcommunity site, thus I have no reason to make the site look really pretty with all that artwork thats going to be there, which would only burden one’s sight if i did make a high-impact site. But dispite this, I’ve made my text links hover over with nice, strong colours (blue & pink) made text bold and strong and i’ll probabily add other colourfull stuff in…
But whats the reasoning with yours being grey? My guess is your trying to play safe after making a site with really bright impacting colours before.
I also built my site up around my content; not make a design and fit the content in which is what alot of people unfortuantly do :).
Sorry if ithis doesnt help, but im not one for telling people how to do their stuff, it is yoursite afterall
It’s not bad, it’s just kind of missing something…
I’ve seen good sites with that sort of design, but there needs to be some colour somewhere or it starts to become depressing to look at. Simplicity in your colour scheme is good, but not when it’s all grey. A Google search could help give you ideas.
I know what you are talking about color, maybe I’ll add some to this design, like colorizing it. It’s just all of my other websites have had color problems, so I might work on that.
If you want to work on your color choices, try making a very simple template and changing the colors of the text, buttons, links, borders, etc.
Just try different colors and see what happens.
Here’s a simple example of a template you might want to try:
It’s obviously not a very good (or complex) color scheme, so i would go back and edit the colors i didn’t like and find colors to match the colors i do like.
I think I am going to add some red and yellow on the grey, it seems to look pretty good, and I decided to work on the header so here it is:
I’ll probably make the grunge look more apparent in other parts too
maybe I should just stick with yellow, and no red, I don’t know but both those colors go pretty good. If I use red do you think I should make sure its on the header, or would it just be okay in the conent area
okay here is what I came up with, I think it looks better