New website....

Hey guys, I cranked out another rendition of my website tonight (took about 5 hours total). Its a lanky html with an abundance of css to give it its overall look. I need you guys to test for cross browser compatibility and to give me overall critiques/criticism.


nice and clean

yea, nice!

Nice, clean, interesting BUT windows media?

Thanks guys :slight_smile: . The reason I use the wmv codec is because most of my friends have crappy connections and the basic Windows setup, and a wmv was the easiest way to avoid telling them “Go to and download Divx, install it, restart your computer”. But now that you’ve shown some interest I might just cook up some new versions of the videos :wink: .


<div id=“pageheader”> has some unnessesary tags, i would just define the size to be larger and leave out the h1 and span.
nice use of css, do you plan on adding any more alternate themes?

and encrypt your email to make a link, just use

&lt;script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"&gt;
    {     document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,117,108,105,64,116,104,117,110,100,101,114,115,116,105,99,107,46,99,111,109,34,62,99,108,105,99,107,32,104,101,114,101,46,60,47,97,62))

I just use that ^.
the bots can find " at " and " dot "

SamAdam, you are truly a web genius :smiley: . I took your suggestions and implemented them into the site. The e-mail script works like a charm – just one question, where did you find the letter codes for you script? Is it simply “System tools --> Character Map”? And yes, I do plan on creating multiple designs to test on my website :Z . Thanks for your help.
