EDIT 2016-07-22bis (v3.0.2-beta released)
At last after several months I’m happy to announce the release of the new YafaRay v3.0.2-beta for Blender v2.77a.
I’ve prepared builds for Linux 32/64bit, Windows 32/64bit and MacOSX Intel 64bit.
Windows XP support has been dropped due to the new Python3.5 OS requirements. The MacOSX version has been tested only a little bit due to severe hardware restrictions.
You can see all the changes respect to v2.1.1, download the builds and an example test scene from:
There have been a lot of changes in v3.0.2, so I suppose quite a few bugs are to be expected. Please let us know about any bugs in the YafaRay bugtracker and/or user forums.
I will try to prepare and upload examples and test scenes to introduce all of them. The full list of changes respect to the previous version v2.1.1 is as follows:
The new YafaRay-v3 will NOT replace the existing YafaRay versions, and it can be installed in addition to them.
So, YafaRay-v3 must be enabled in Blender user preferences, and in your current YafaRay scenes you have to switch to the renderer “YafaRay-v3” to use the new version.
If you have several YafaRay versions together, make sure that you enable in Blender first the old and later the new v3 in that order. If you have problems, disable both, restart Blender and enable them in that order.
YafaRay v3 has only limited support for multiple YafaRay versions and forks installed at the same time. Having several versions could cause in some cases:
- Black renders
- Random crashes
- Inability to enable the YafaRay v3 plugin or all kinds of strange problems
If you have any of these problems, remove any other yafaray folders (or derived forks) from the Blender addons folder and try again. This typically solves most of the problems stated above.
In v3, support has been DROPPED for Windows XP and MacOSX v10.6
- Important note *: Now by default YafaRay will save the images at the same time as rendering into Blender (“Secondary File Output”). This can be disabled.
Also, YafaRay, by default, ** will change the output folder/file name ** so the images are exported to a subfolder with the same name as the .blend file with suffix _render. This is for convenience and can be disabled, but if you leave the default it could cause you confusion especially when switching to other renderers.
Changes from v3.0.1-beta to v3.0.2-beta:
- ImageFilm load, fix failing load when compiling with GCC v4.8.4
Changes from v3.0.0-beta to v3.0.1-beta:
Important: Background IBL light sampling fix. This solves a long standing problem with incorrect background lighting accuracy and fireflies. (http://yafaray.org/node/752, http://yafaray.org/node/727, http://yafaray.org/node/566).
IBL clamp sampling parameter no longer needed thanks to the fix above, so it has been removed from the exporter.
Fix for crash when using yafaray-xml without specifying the type of badge to be used.
yafaray-xml: new “-ccd” “console-colors-disabled”. If specified, disables the Console colors ANSI codes, useful for some 3rd party software that cannot handle ANSI codes well.
Light photon control: changed back control param names from “shoot_” to “with_” as originally for better backwards compatibility with 3rd party exporters
Render Passes: added “generic” external render passes for other Exporters and plugins other than Blender Exporter
Render passes: added new debug passes for diagnosing light estimation problems
Major codebase changes in v3.0.0:
Dropped support for Windows XP and MacOSX v10.6. Sorry, but the code changes required this.
Updated for Blender 2.77a (using Python 3.5).
Codebase updated from old standard C++98 to the new C++11. This will allow better and easier code maintenance as well as access to newer C++ features to improve YafaRay even more in the future.
Entire old MultiThreading system replaced by new standard C++11 threads system.
Windows-MinGW C++11 MultiThreading system using now the library https://github.com/meganz/mingw-std-threads This should significantly improve render speed in Windows in many scenes by reducing the multithreading overhead.
Added several Boost libraries to allow saving/loading photon map files and improve unicode/multiplatform compatibility.
Changes to allow compilation in Visual Studio 2013 (although YafaRay is slower when compiled with VS2013 for some reason)
Feature changes/additions in v3.0.0:
Multithreaded Photon Map generation, including multithreaded Photon KDTree building: this should greatly improve render speeds when using Direct Light+caustic map, Photon Map, SPPM or Path Tracing+photon.
Ability to Save/Load/Reuse photon maps: this should greatly improve render speeds in scenes where only camera moves. See: http://yafaray.org/node/460. WARNING: When loading/reusing Photon Map files, the User is responsible to ensure they match the scene. If the User loads inadequate photon maps, the render results could be totally wrong or even have crashes. USE WITH CARE.
Ability to AutoSave image files, either at the end of each pass or using a user-configurable time interval. This should help if there is a crash or sudden power off, as some images could be obtained from before the incident.
Ability to AutoSave/Load the main ImageFilm. This might help to CONTINUE interrupted renders or to add additional samples to a render that has already finished. WARNING: When loading ImageFilm files, the User is responsible to ensure they match the scene. If the ImageFilm does not match the scene and render passes exactly, the render results could be totally wrong or even have crashes. USE WITH CARE.
Ability to perform Multi-Computer distributed render. Each computer should have a different Node number [0…1000] to ensure they don’t repeate the same samples. The Node number can be setup in a parameter or in the Exporter under Blender User Preferences -> YafaRay v3 -> Preferences -> Computer Node (remember to Save Settings to store the number permanently in Blender).
Each computer will generate a different Film. If one of the nodes is set to “Load” the film, it will look for ALL the Film files in the same folder (with the same base file name and frame number) and combine them together to create a combined image with all samples from all individual film files.
Added OpenCV library and added DeNoise options for the exported image files: JPG, PNG, TGA, TIF. This feature is not available for HDR/EXR formats. Three parameters are exposed for the users:
- h(luminance): the higher this is, the more noise reduction you get, but the image can become blurred
- h(chrominance): the higher, the more color noise reduction, but the colors can become blurred
- Mix: this is intended to add (on purpose) part of the noise from the original image into the final denoised image. This is to avoid “banding” artifacts in smooth and noiseless surfaces. Setting for example 0.8 means that 80% of the final result will come from the “denoised” image and 20% will come from the original (noisy) image.
YafaRay-v3 can be installed “in parallel” with other major versions of YafaRay and coexist with them. “YafaRay v3” will appear as a DIFFERENT renderer and has to be enabled and selected in each scene as if it were a new renderer. This should help to compare the results and features over different major versions as well as allowing using a “stable” and a more “experimental” versions in parallel at the same time. However, support for this is very limited and depends on many factors such as class name clashes, order of registration, dll and library dependency collisions, etc. If having issues, please remove any other yafaray versions and forks and try again.
Initial support for filepaths with Unicode characters (accents, etc) can be used now for loading textures, etc. See: http://yafaray.org/node/703 This support is still limited and could fail in some cases.
Secondary File Output: now it will be possible to render into render and export to image files at the same time! There are several functions that depend on this now, such as the render parameters badge, which will no longer appear in the Blender render, only in the exported images.
It’s now possible to save the images automatically to the same place where the .blend file resides, into a folder with same name as the blend file and suffix “_render”
Now the user can use CTRL+C in the console to interrupt a render in progress. This now works in all modes (render into Blender, render to Image files or using yafaray-xml). The interruption due to CTRL+C will now be handled correctly, ensuring the image files and badge are properly saved.
yafaray-xml: no longer needed to specify the Library path nor the Plugins path. The old Windows Registry requirement has been removed and it’s not necessary anymore. Now, yafaray-xml will load the libraries from the same folder where the yafaray-xml executable resides and it will load the plugins from the subfolder “plugins” respect to the folder where the yafaray-xml executable resides
Removed option -pst in yafaray-xml, now it has to be enabled via parameter in the xml file