New Zealand, Auckland - one week tutoring Blender Oct 4-8

Lifeway College has a short course in 4 Auckland high schools.
We need two more tutors to part of this exciting week,
$750 for the week, 9-330pm teaching then supervise Moodle exercises 330-5pm.
All teaching plans are written, just turn up and turn on your personality to coach people through the use of Blender.
This is urgent so call 094254054 x 0 and ask for the Principal
or email [email protected]



Shame it isn’t Wellington and isn’t full time permanent :slight_smile: I could have gone for that.

Good luck Principal.

I live at Blockhouse Bay . … I use mostly 2.49a & 2.48 …

I’ll see what my workload is like at my full-time job.

Going off on a tangent here - but maybe you guys could give me some info about New Zealand?

What is the cost of living there?
How much are homes and taxes?

yadda yadda.

what is the website for wingnut interactive? :wink:

I’ve been looking at NZ for the past week and I am really pretty taken by that little island that you guys have over there.

We have a high standard of living here, but for some of us, the grass is greener in Australia where the average salary is about twice as high as here.

But all said and done, I’d not leave my dig for all the shrimps on the barbies accross the ditch.

Homes is cheap at the moment, we have a buyers market in the city, rent will also be cheap after the Rugby world cup for a short time.

Tax is pretty good, except for the GST hike to 15% in October.

People are friendly . … I could go on and on . . .

Sounds like a decent place.

What is your culture like?

Does Australian TV dominate the airwaves?

Here in Canada, for example, you have many Canadians that probably watch and know more about American media and politics for instance than they know about their own. Some Canadians scream that you should buy a Gm car vs a Honda one because GM is Canadian. Which its obviously not. The only thing Canadian about many of them would be that they watch hockey religiously.

I was impressed you guys got into the world cup. And did pretty well I might add.

We have a nice laid back culture generally, but I am speaking mostly from the crowd I hang around. As is any country, this is dependant who your friends are. I’ve seen a documentary about Vancouver’s drug scene, which is repeated throughout the world from Iran to England. Just keep yourself wise and you’ll be ok.

Stay away from dating Hone Harawira’s daughters (I’ll let you google and find the story for yourself) and apart from that you’ll be ok. Look forward to your trip to clean, green kiwiland some day!

If you live in BC, you are wasting your time moving to NZ.

From my time in BC, and knowing a few people over there, compared to NZ the terrain, weather, people, outdoor lifestyle are very very similar. I think it was a British colony at the same time as NZ, hence both places having lots of stuff named ‘Queen’ this and ‘Victoria’ that.
Except in Canada, imho there are more opportunities work wise and much more affordable travel.

The only reason entertainment/tech/animation work comes to NZ is because it is cheaper (pay is less) than Canada for our American cultural overlords.

There is a NZ tradition of going travelling for years and working in Europe, (the OE/overseas experience/brain drain), which is in part because opportunities for advancement and experience are limited by the size of the country.

New Zealand is a small bunch of Islands on the arse end of the planet, the nearest outpost to travel to is Australia, which is three time zones of desert with a little life on the shore lines but still an expensive flight from NZ. Vancouver, if you need to go to the USA you driver over the border. NZ, you are looking at a couple of hours to fly to Aus, 12+ hours to fly to with West Coast of USA or a couple of days to get to Europe (mandatory stop overs as no plane can fly from one side of the planet to the other direct). A return flight to Europe from NZ is roughly 1 months average pay after tax.

TV here is a mix of USA/British, with a fair few ‘localized’ programs (Australian Idol, Dancing With The Stars NZ etc).

If you are a lifestyler that wants to get a LONG way from anywhere, be well out of the rat race, be a long way from any friends and family you have in the Northern Hemi, come on down.

Or move to BC.

The football thing was no big deal, due to FIFA politics NZ is now in a qualifying pool of island teams that are not even in the top 100 with Australia no where to be seen. In previous years we had to get past Australia to be top of the pool and advance, hence only one previous appearance.

Well NZ played suprisingly well nonetheless.

I would like to drop out. But it sounds like NZ might be more of a retirement place. Or somewhere to grab another home when I’m rich with my own company. Or if Peter Jackson gives me a job.

Travel to Asia must be relatively affordable, no?

BC is nice but a little too close to family that I’m not crazy about seeing. ( I live in Ontario - land 'o lakes)

Also I have never been keen on the division out west between the blue collars and the white collars. You’re either Conservative or NDP, on the right utmost edge or the left utmost edge.

But… aside from all that, BC is very appealing too…