New Zealand must do the right thing.

Prostitution bill to proceed

Nov 29, 2002

A majority of MPs on a parliamentary committee have recommended that a bill decriminalising prostitution should proceed.

The Prostitution Reform Bill was introduced two years ago by Labour MP Tim Barnett. It seeks to decriminalise soliciting and brothel keeping, extend health and employment protections and set a minimum age of 18 for sex workers.

Labour and Green MPs make up the majority on the Justice and Electoral Committee and have recommended it proceed with a number of amendments. These include giving councils the power to ban offensive signs advertising sex services, and making it clear that beneficiaries should not be forced into the sex industry.

However, they could not agree on a licencing regime for the industry.

National and New Zealand First MPs on the committee fear the bill will lead to an expansion of the industry and opposed it, along with Act and United Future.

It will receive further debate next year.

I hope New Zealand will do the right thing, they have a moral abligation, by passing these bills it’s an importent step tour the development of the free world and the fight against terroristem.

What the F are you talking about Al_capone

you have discused both New Zealand and Australia in that .

NSW is “New South Wales” which is in Australia.

New Zealand is where I live and has nothing to do with NSW!?!?!

I hope New Zealand will do the right thing, they have a moral abligation, by passing these bills it’s an importent step tour the development of the free world and the fight against terroristem.

ok can i ask how is prostitution a fight against terrorism???

wether illegal or legal i don't understand how it is conected in any way.

and can i ask what "the moral obligaiton" is?

you have not presented YOUR opinion on the matter and have merely stuck on some quotes (from australia may i add)

could you please understand what you are talking about before poting crap Al_capone.


Simple, Islamist will never move to a place of prostitutes because it’s against there religion and women can’t become terrorist because they wouldn’t be virgens.

The moral abligation is the right of the indivisial to decide for themself what is the right job for them. And how it affects there lives in the free market.

But they seem to have too many taxes, but oh well, that’s Democracy for you.

and women can’t become terrorist because they wouldn’t be virgens

so you are trying to say that just because prostitution is LEGAl that these women will naturally go and HAVE SEX OFR MONEY.

yeah right, i don’t think that jsut because prostitution is leagl that women will all sudenly become prostitutes.

as for the islamists, well i don’t really know abou that, but i think its pretty stupid trying to even say that the bill had anything to do with terrorism.

tax’s well you need tax’s to have a country work effectivly.


Illegalizing prostitution fail, it leads tour drug addictive women who run away from home and don’t have there age into account, while to add with it, a dangerous way of spreading STD.

By legalizing prostitution you can have regerlation on the protection that are enforce, admitting the requirement of legal age, drug testing, screening and more amount of the money that ends up into the workers. The money that prostitutes make will improve the market by giving women enough to meet there basic needs and material alike.

The concern with the moral terrorist “Conservitives” are jumping onto the same excuse through out the world, while I can say for certain, there ain’t child prostitution, an increase of STD’s and drug use. This bill will do more good then bad, if you consider the event in my country where prostitution is legal in my state and illegal in Califorinia I can say that it is very, very good.

Besides, these concern conservitives will only pass more laws to continue to crack down on illegal prostitution while increasing taxes to pay for there enforcement. It’s this moral fiber that is leading America into a police state as well as being over enforce and over taxed.

don’t get me wrong Al_capone i think its a good idea to legalise it.

the protection of the prostitutes can be improved as they have places to turn when beaten up etc…

the money i don’t think will increase (they get paid a crap load already)

it will generally be safer, also for the people going to get a prostitute.
also tax’s can be recived from it.

yes i think its a good thing.

but your post seemed pretty weird !!!


No it didn’t. What are you talking about alltaken!?!?

he removed half of it fullback.

most of it was australian (nothing to do with new zealand LOL)

and then he said that it would be fighting against terrorism by legalising prostetution (LOL)

ok perhaps weird was not the right word, perhaps “far fetched” and il-informed


ok perhaps weird was not the right word, perhaps “far fetched” and il-informed

I was being sarcastic. 8)

but your big smilly face looks so happy and honest, i mean it is the largest most honest smile in the world.


Now YOU’RE being sarcastic.

I think I will will attempt to more accurately portray my personality with my next avatar.

That’s why I removed it.

and then he said that it would be fighting against terrorism by legalising prostetution (LOL)

ok perhaps weird was not the right word, perhaps “far fetched” and il-informed

Not in theory, if you can prevent the spread of radical islamis or pat robertson by degrading there so called moral values, then can it start in the first place ?

That’s why I removed it.

and then he said that it would be fighting against terrorism by legalising prostetution (LOL)

ok perhaps weird was not the right word, perhaps “far fetched” and il-informed

Not in theory, if you can prevent the spread of radical islamis or pat robertson by degrading there so called moral values, then can it start in the first place ?[/quote]

It’s funny how you complain so much about how we are not free and the government is too powerful, yet your suggested means to an end is no better.

If you had the intelligence to realize there is other cultures, beliefs, and ideas other than you own, you might see that all you are suggesting is a way to control people by moral perversion from their perspective. You see a solution to a problem at hand, yet lack the insight to see the degradation of society such an act would bring to the future.

The reason people like you and of your ideals are not generally accepted in the political arena, is because they would get society absolutely no where.

First of all, where does government intrude with what I said. Unfortionly people don’t respect other cultures, beliefs, morals and ideals. It’s the western society in the UN that is doing away with these soventy and it was people like me who struct down the homosexial law in texas and it’s people like you thats going to try to replace them with puppets on the conservitive and liberals views. I see no moral perversion except how people like you molest children to put fear in neglected parents so moralist like yourself can justify there act of tyranny and bigetry.

Chances are it will end up like people like me because half left and half right will = center or it could be people like Saddam because half left and half right can = complete control.

Prostitution has nothing to do with terrorisim or religion… Just because you oppose prostitution (like most Mormons) doesn mean you won’t live in Vegas…


Prostitution isn’t legal in Vegas, but it is in Henderson, Pahrump and Crystal lake.

lol, they have the moral obligation to legalize a sick, and dangerous and immoral practce of sellings one’s body?

i suppose you hate all christians, just because they stand for something?

do kill people in the name of my faith? no, no christian would. people who call themselves christians and do things like killing others in the name of christianity are nuts, utterly nuts.

answer this: would you outlaw “religion”, and execute/put in jail anyone who practices “religion” because they did not follow the law?

think, think hard about it.

isn’t that like certain religions you so hurredly denounced? it outlaws other beliefs, just as these religions do.

once again man is faced with it’s own hateful, cursed purpose.

there is nothing new under the sun, generation come, and generations go, but all stays the same. we still crawl around on this earth hating each other for the things we’ve done to oursleves, and to others.

banal, it’s all banal.

Calm down ditto, no I won’t banned religion, I use to be Catholic myself, but you can’t be religous if you into politics because to be such thing is complete evil. Tell me why is it immoral, sick and dangerous to you ? I also believe in breaking laws that goes against the indivisial, because unlike most, I believe laws are flaws.

Simple, Islamist will never move to a place of prostitutes because it’s against there religion

Mohamed Ata didn’t have a problem going to a strip club :stuck_out_tongue:

You think that would put an end to the whole network, the same when pat robertson was caught sleeping around. But dancing women are uselly in there culture.