Newbee Questions about using shape keys on multiple meshes together

I have a character that has one mesh for the main body and then 3 additional meshes used as particle emitters for the hair/mustache, eyebrows and eyelashes. There is currently a shrink-wrap modifier on the eyebrows but not the other emitters. All the objects a parented to the armature and will move correctly when the head is moved.

I am beginning to create the shape keys for the face which will eventually be driven by the armature. Of course when I create the first shape key for the mouth I notice that the mustache does not move.

What is my best way forward. Should I join the emitter meshes to the main one, (I should note that the reason I created the emitter meshes was to have better control over the placement of the hair If I join the mesh I’m afraid it will mess that up.) or should I create shape keys on each of the emitter meshes using the same names and then drive them with the same bones in the armature.

If someone can point me in the right direction I will be very grateful, Thanks.

Queue the sound of crickets chirping…

OK I think I have figured this out. I’m going to post my finding is case it will help someone else later.

The best solution I have found so far is a change in my workflow. I created all the necessary shape keys on the main character mesh then selected the verticies that I needed to duplicate and separate them from the main character. The shape keys are now all copied to the new mesh object. I can now make the facial hair emitters move the same as the main character by setting the shape keys to the same values.

Next up I will create the drivers for the shape keys and see if I can move both objects at the same time using the driver.

Keep us updated on how this workflow turns out. I’m trying to get my head around a somewhat similar problem - I need to figure out how to get clothes to automatically ‘morph’ when I ‘morph’ the character wearing said items. I don’t want to merge the meshes as I want to create separate clothing assets that can be used interchangeably on a specific character.

For my basic cloths I just duplicated a part of the mesh and made them. I need to make better cloths. But however you choose to make them you can parent them to the Rig and use weight painting to morph them. You can also use the cloth simulator and physics to do it I think. I have not gotten that far yet.