newbie - cutting a face

hi all, im completely new to 3d modelling - and trying to learn it at home by oneself is quite a mission. im not even sure if im asking a valid qtn …
ive been trying to model an aircraft for a while (this being my 10+ try) have finally put a fuselage (P-47) together that im reasonally happy with. (ps - im using reference setup and loosely following Anders Lejczak’s tutorial –

how do i add edges/vertices as indicated on my attachment?? ((ive tried searching the forum but without the technical jargon dont really know what im searching for - - subdivide/knife tool?? - so i have included a pic :o, i want to add a new edge where the green lines are, but without blender messing up other faces))

  • i have tried both approaches. subdivided the front of the canopy, but it adds extra edges down the side that i dont want. I want to be able to raise the canopy up and forward.
  • i also tried knifing along the longer green line on the fuselage to tighten up / add definition along the canopy and fuselage spine, but this then creates edges/triangles as above.

thanks for any help in advance - im sure ill have blender of more qtns as this build drags out.


Try using loop cut (K)

Since Blender polygons have to be either 3 sided or 4 sided, using the tools sometimes requires some creativity. The loop cut tool (Control r) will find and cut entire loops, unless the cut would cut itself. It makes its cuts by cutting quads (four sided polygons) and moving from edge to opposite (no common vertices) edge. The knife cut tool (Shift k) will add vertices to the cut edges, but will first remove all the faces, then will replace the faces with either four or three edged polygons. That’s where the extra edges come from.

So the automatic tools aren’t quite doing what you want them to. OK, time to get creative: delete the two faces (x only faces) at the ends of the long green line (both sides of the canopy.) Then use the loop cut tool to make the cuts on the sides of the canopy and the single front (and rear?) face. Since these edges are no longer connected to anything, the loop cuts will be clean. Then rebuild the faces at the openings by selecting the appropriate vertices and using the make face tool (f). It’s this last rebuilding part that Blender can’t handle automatically, since there is no way to know in advance how you want the vertices connected.

Go into face select mode, Shift+right-click the faces you want to cut and use the knife tool (Shift+K). Note that this tool works in relation to your current view.

Orinoco - champion! this is ideal - i haven’t completed the fuselage yet (i model so slow) but im half way there with the canopy and i can see its going to work. - thanks for the clear explanation also - most helpful in understanding blender

so u can c the result - picture added (still tweaking the lines)
