Newbie Loop-Select Problem

Hi there,

I’m starting to learn Blender and have a Problem using Loop-Select. When im Creating a Cube an doing a Subdivide I can use Alt+RMB to Loop Select a “Edge-Loop”.

When I’m doing the Mesh-Modeling Example in the Essential Blender Book, there’s an Instruction to Loop-Select an Upper Edge (Page 93 - Closing the Top ). This doesnt work for me, it reacts like a normal RMB-Select. Even a selection of single Edges doesn’t work well, I have to click every Edge 2 Times before it’s selected. :no:

Does anyone have a hint here?


so you got to be in edge mode, and make sure there isnt a mess of edges from where you try to select a loop, alter viewpoint, hmm if you clearly select the edge that is part of the loop nothing should go wrong. also backface of mesh should maybe not be visible.wooops not necessarely an edge mode… depends what you are trying to achieve…

Thanks for the reply. I am in Edge Mode and the right Edge gets selected, but not looped. No Idea what’s wrong.


Could be one of a number of things. Please post your blend file
this could save alot of time. (Try remove doubles…)

Kindest Regards,


Here it is. (Hopefully)

I’m doing this tutorial (Closing the Top)


chapter4.blend (289 KB)

I found that loops selection did not work for me if I have a heavily triangulated mesh.

Okay, I’ve solved it. I called “remove doubles”, after that it suddenly worked. But it’s pretty frustrating anyway, maybe someone could edit the tutorial