Re-Post, cause I didn’t get a helpful response earlier.
I’m trying to make a darts game and I have a few questions:
Trigger. How do I set up logic bricks so that only one keypress is registered and not key repeats? For now I solved it by setting logic to ‘Invert’. Now it reacts to key release (a one time event), but there may be a better way.
How do I read the x,y,z coordinates of an object? I need to register the place of impact on the board.
This may not be of any help, but there are are a couple .blend’s out there that may help you figure out out to do what you want:
One is a sample file that shows you how to determine an object’s speed. That .blend has a script that uses the object’s x, y, z coordinates and should give you some leads how to do it.
The other is a file called “My1stGravSim.blend”. I found this on my hard drive yesterday, I have no idea where I got it, but it looks perfect for a dart game. Basically a bunch of small asteroids are attracted to a planet and stick to it. It’s very effective and the physics look pretty cool. If you can’t find it, let me know where I can email it to and I’ll send it to you.