Newbie NURBS modelling questions.

Hi, I’m new to blender, but have used other 3d programs in the past (most recently Rhino3d).
I’m tryiung to get started, and have read through some of the tutorials, that I could find, but several of them have gone ‘404’ since they’ve been written. Forgive me, if these questions are answered someplace else. If they are, please send me a link, and I’ll go on my way.

  1. Is it possible for to have a NURBS curve with more that 4 CVs? If so, how?

  2. Is there a way to define/draw NURBS CVs, on the fly (ie, tracing background pic)?

  3. Can you move NURBS end points (while snapping to grid)?

  4. How can you join 2 or more NURBS curves by end points? (although I probably won’t need this if I find out hte answer to 1 and 2)

  5. (UI development question) Is the addition of menus/floating toolboxes (a la Rhino/Maya) on the new development roadmap? ( is timing out at the moment)I know that most blender users are happy with hotkeys, but if you don’t know what the hotkeys are (I haven’t found any straight hotkey lists and none of the NURBS tutorials don’t touch on the ?'s I asked.) I understand that alot of open source software is thin on documentation, but between lack of NURBS modelling docs, and a counter-intutive GUI, I’m about to give up on blender. :expressionless:

Most of the tutorials I’ve seen for blender are for poly modelers not NURBS. I’d appreciate any help I can get.

Thanks all. :smiley:

your probably better off going with sub surfs, as that what most people use.

there hasn’t been much activity in the development o nurbs in quite some time, in fact most people don’t even use them.

you want to try searching the forum, and here for answers:

have fun!!

oh and here’s the hot keys :smiley: :

EDIT: none of those work!!!

let me see what i can find!!

EDIT#2: found it!!!

be sure to download it to your HD, just incase that site goes offline.

Use a Nurbs Curve and select one of the outside cv’s in edit mode. Then Ctrl-LMB to add new ones on from there. To close the circle SHIFT-RMB select the two open cv’s and hit C (close). Snap to grid first and then move. Maybe I don’t get the point on that one though? And all of that UI speculation is way above me.

I use a hotkey list from

because you can stick it in the text window and update it as you go.


hey you can get any nurbs help from me

the nurbs version in blender is usefull even when it lacks some features.

but here are some tips:

when you add a nurbs curve you could easily subdivide the curve
select cvs or hit a and hit w.

also when you select one end point and hit e you extrude the curve adding one more cv to it.

tehre is no automatic trace funtion like in freehand or illustrator, youhave to draw it on your own. but you do not have this function in any 3d app.

when you add one nurbs curve and while in edit mode add a new nurbs curve, select two end points and hit f for make

to close the curve select the last two end points and hit c.

to move points along the grid hit controll while dragging
if you hit shift control you use even a finer grid.

since they posted the hotkey list remember that all functions and tools are also listed in the tool menu you can pop up with space.
there you find anything as well!

the advanatge of nurbs compared to subdiv are that you can select some cv and change the weight for those points creating more sharp or soft edges in one patch while in polygones and subdiv you have to add more geometry in blender.

any more questions just ask!


Still available, The Hotkeyboard

New version comming soon (may-june 2003)

Thanks to everyone for the helpful replies. I’m up and going now.



Hi, I once wrote a tut about head modelling using NURBS and Subsurfaces
I tried to explain most of the actions so the newbie doesn’t get lost, but tell me if you don’t get something I did.
Go here:

The english part is on the right part of the screen…

Hope this is useful
