I am starting to learn Blender and would like to use Python to help script some of my objects for animation. So far I have reviewed the documentation and even searched the forums but things still are not clicking for me in terms of understanding the Blender 4 x 4 matrix associated with each object. If I execute the following code:
camObj =
matrix = camObj.getMatrix()
For a camera at LocX: 0 LocY: -1 LocZ: 1.2 with RotX: 45 RotY: 0 RotZ: 0 ScaleX: 1 ScaleY: 1 ScaleZ: 1 I get a matrix value of:
[1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0.707, 0.707, 0]
[0, -0.707, 0.707, 0]
[0, -1, 1.2, 1]
What I don’t grasp is how the camera position, rotation, scale are related to the values in matrix? In other words given the value in the matrix variable how can I get the same location, rotation, and scale that Blender displays? I understand camera position that one is easy. Rotation has me scratching my head. The Blender command “camObj.getMatrix()” has me confused, I looked all over trying to find a reference in the API of what the 4 x 4 matrix actually means, like row 3 is location. If I use the Blender command "camObj.getEuler()” I noticed that I get a vector with RotX, RotY, and RotZ in radians. Does anybody have any online references on how blender uses a 4 x 4 matrix to store location, rotation, and scale? I understand that Blender has many nice functions like getEuler but I would like to understand the meaning of the “WorldSpace” so I can better work with LuxRender’s LuxBlend script. Thanks for the help.
I traced the getEuler method in the Blender source and was able to extract the functions I needed. Attached is the example code and a case study. At this point I don’t understand all the code since I just copied and paste, but the code does produce Euler angles from the lookAt variable in the Lux Scene Files.
pastebin “dot” ca “slash” 2005122
Do not learn the old Blender <=2.49
The 2.55 gives this info about the camea and its local_matrix
>> dir(c.matrix_local)
['OrthoProjection', 'Rotation', 'Scale', 'Shear', 'Translation', '__add__', '__class__', '__copy__', '__delattr__',
'__delitem__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__invert__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__',
'__radd__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmul__', '__rsub__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__',
'__sizeof__', '__str__', '__sub__', '__subclasshook__', 'col_size', 'copy', 'decompose', 'determinant',
'identity', 'invert', 'is_negative', 'is_wrapped', 'lerp', 'median_scale', 'owner', 'resize4x4', 'rotation_part',
'row_size', 'scale_part', 'to_3x3', 'to_4x4', 'to_euler', 'to_quat', 'translation_part', 'transpose', 'zero']
Meaning eg for the ‘scale’
>> c.matrix_local.scale_part()
Vector((1.0, 1.0, 0.9999999403953552))
and try the other possibilities!