newbie question: selection


I am new to blender, and am currently “learning” by the blender guide. However i am stuck at the quickstart-chapter.
I got the meshes and the bones ( more or less ) like in the image. then i should “SHIFT-select” the body and the bones. If i select the mesh and the bones with shift-left mouse button, i have only one bone actively selected at one time…
I continued with the next chapters, but it isn’t mentioned there…

could someone please tell me how i can select multiple … instances actively at one time?


That’s because you created all your bones as separate objects.

Select all of them (just the bones, not the mesh) and hit Ctrl-J to join them in one object.

Then you can resume where you where in the tutorial. That is, parenting the mesh to the armature.


Oh, and I forgot to add: The bones were probably created as separate objects because you added all of them in object mode. If you want to add bones to an already existing armature, be sure to be in edit mode.


that goes with everything in blender :smiley:
